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8.  Configuring and Administering Printing from the Desktop Configuring the Default Printer  Previous   Contents   Next 

To Change the Destination for Default Printing

To change the default printer for all users:

  1. Open the file /etc/dt/config/Xsession.d/0010.dtpaths.

    If /etc/dt/config/Xsession.d/0010.dtpaths does not exist, copy it from /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/0010.dtpaths.

  2. In the LPDEST=printer line, update printer to the new destination for default printing.

    If the line does not exist, add a line LPDEST=printer, where printer is the name of the printer you want to be your default printer.

  3. Users need to log out and back in.

To change the default printer for a single user, that user should:

  • Copy another printer to the Front Panel from the Personal Printers subpanel.

To designate a different printer as your default printer:

  1. Go to your home folder and open the file .dtprofile.

  2. Add or edit a line that sets a value for the LPDEST environment variable:

    	LPDEST=printer_device; export LPDEST

    If you are using csh the syntax is:

    	setenv LPDEST printer_device

    For example, the following line would change the default printer to the printer whose device name is laser3d.

    LPDEST=laser3d; export LPDEST

    If you are using csh the syntax is:

    setenv LPDEST laser3d

Printing Concepts

When a print request is initiated by dropping a file on a printer control, the system proceeds as follows:

  1. The system searches the data-type database for the definition of the object dropped.

  2. If there is a unique print action for the data type (specified using the ARG_TYPE field in the print action), it is used; otherwise, the default print action (dtlp) is used. For example, if the file is a PostScript® file, the system uses the Print action for PostScript files. (This action is defined in /usr/dt/appconfig/types/language/dt.dt.) If you used the Create Action tool for this data type, the print command you entered is the unique print action that will be used to print files with this data type.

  3. The file is delivered to the printer using the normal UNIX lp printing subsystem.

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