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pull-down menu

A menu of related choices that extends from a cascading choice when you click mouse button 1 on a menu bar item or the Window menu button.

push button

A control that immediately starts an action by an application, usually executing a command (such as Apply), displaying a window, or displaying a menu.


An ordered list of jobs waiting to be performed.

radio button

An exclusive control whose setting is indicated by the presence or absence of a graphical indicator, usually part of a radio group. A radio button has two states, on and off.


Permission to look at the data in a file or permission to list the files and folders (directories) in a folder (directory).


A button or menu item used to return an item to the condition it was in when it was last opened or to the condition it was in before the most recent changes were applied to it, whichever is more recent.

resize border

A control used to change the size of a window or a pane in a window.


A mechanism of the X Window System™ for specifying an attribute (appearance or behavior) of a window or application. Resources are usually named after the elements they control.


To stop a process and start it again.


A menu item used to return a window to the size and position it occupied before you minimized or maximized it.

root, root user

See superuser.

root directory

In a hierarchical file system, the directory that contains all other directories and files. Represented by a / (slash) in UNIX systems.


To start an application or action.


A box on a separator or split bar that enables you to increase or decrease the size of a window pane using the mouse. You can navigate to the sash using the keyboard.

screen lock

A function that locks the workstation screen, barring further input until the valid user password is entered.

screen saver

A choice that, after a specified time period, switches off the workstation display or varies the images that are displayed, thereby prolonging the life of the screen.


To move the cursor through data one increment at a time. While scrolling, data shifts within the window to indicate the current position of the cursor.

scroll bar

A control located at the right or bottom of a window that enables you to display window content not currently visible.

scroll box

The part of a scroll bar that shows the position of the visible information relative to the total amount of information available in a window. You click a scroll box to see information that is not currently visible.


To add highlighting or some other visual cue to an item or element so that it can be operated or enabled. Selection does not imply the initiation of an action but rather a change of state, such as highlighting an item in a list, or toggling a check box on.


A system that supplies services to a client.


The elapsed time between user login and logout. Also, a particular configuration of workspaces that includes Style Manager settings, open applications, and the size and position of objects.

Session Manager

A software application that controls saving sessions, restoring sessions, screen locking and unlocking, and the use of screen savers. When a session is saved, the state of the desktop environment (location of icons, size and location of open windows, open/closed status of applications, current color palette, and so on) is preserved so that it can be restored at the next login.

session server

A system that provides networked sessions. Session files reside on the session server and are used whenever you log in to a system on the network.


General term for a mouse gesture that simplifies filling out a dialog box. For example: As a shortcut, double-click an item in the Filename list box to select it and choose OK in one action.

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