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Assertion Facility Usage Notes Preconditions, Postconditions, and Class Invariants Preconditions  Previous   Contents   Next 

Note, the above assertion will fail if MAX_REFRESH_RATE is greater than 1000 and the user selects a refresh rate greater than 1000. This would, in fact, indicate a bug in the library!


Postcondition checks are best implemented via assertions, whether or not they are specified in public methods. For example:
     * Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this-1 mod m).
     * @param  m the modulus.
     * @return this-1 mod m.
     * @throws ArithmeticException  m <= 0, or this BigInteger
     *         has no multiplicative inverse mod m (that is, this BigInteger
     *         is not relatively prime to m).
    public BigInteger modInverse(BigInteger m) {
        if (m.signum <= 0)
          throw new ArithmeticException("Modulus not positive: " + m);
        if (!this.gcd(m).equals(ONE))
          throw new ArithmeticException(this + " not invertible mod " + m);

        ... // Do the computation

        assert this.multiply(result).mod(m).equals(ONE);
        return result;

In practice, one would not check the second precondition (this.gcd(m).equals(ONE)) prior to performing the computation, because it is wasteful. This precondition is checked as a side effect of performing the modular multiplicative inverse computation by standard algorithms.

Occasionally, it is necessary to save some data prior to performing a computation in order to check a postcondition after it is complete. This can be done with two assert statements and the help of a simple inner class designed to save the state of one or more variables so they can be checked (or rechecked) after the computation. For example, suppose you have a piece of code that looks like this:
void foo(int[] array) {
        // Manipulate array

        // At this point, array will contain exactly the ints that it did
        // prior to manipulation, in the same order.

Here is how you could modify the above method to turn the textual assertion into a functional one:
 void foo(final int[] array) {

        class DataCopy {
          private int[] arrayCopy;

          DataCopy() { arrayCopy = (int[])(array.clone()); }

          boolean isConsistent() { return Arrays.equals(array, arrayCopy); }

        DataCopy copy = null;

        // Always succeeds; has side effect of saving a copy of array
        assert (copy = new DataCopy()) != null;

        ... // Manipulate array

        assert copy.isConsistent();

Note that this idiom easily generalizes to save more than one data field, and to test arbitrarily complex assertions concerning pre-computation and post-computation values.

The first assert statement (which is executed solely for its side-effect) could be replaced by the more expressive:
  copy = new DataCopy();

but this would copy the array whether or not asserts were enabled, violating the dictum that asserts should have no cost when disabled.

Class Invariants

As noted above, assertions are appropriate for checking internal invariants. The assertion mechanism itself does not enforce any particular style for doing so. It is sometimes convenient to combine many expressions that check required constraints into a single internal method that can then be invoked by assertions. For example, suppose one were to implement a balanced tree data structure of some sort. It might be appropriate to implement a private method that checked that the tree was indeed balanced as per the dictates of the data structure:
 // Returns true if this tree is properly balanced
    private boolean balanced() {

This method is a class invariant. It should always be true before and after any method completes. To check that this is indeed the case, each public method and constructor should contain the line:
assert balanced();

immediately prior to each return. It is generally overkill to place similar checks at the head of each public method unless the data structure is implemented by native methods. In this case, it is possible that a memory corruption bug could corrupt a "native peer" data structure in between method invocations. A failure of the assertion at the head of such a method would indicate that such memory corruption had occurred. Similarly, it may be advisable to include class invariant checks at the head of methods in classes whose state is modifiable by other classes. (Better yet, design classes so that their state is not directly visible by other classes!)

Removing all Trace of Assertions from Class Files

Programmers developing for resource-constrained devices may wish to strip assertions out of class files entirely. While this makes it impossible to enable assertions in the field, it also reduces class file size, possibly leading to improved class loading performance. In the absence of a high quality JIT, it could lead to decreased footprint and improved runtime performance.

The assertion facility offers no direct support for stripping assertions out of class files. However, the assert statement may be used in conjunction with the "conditional compilation" idiom described in JLS 14.19:
 static final boolean asserts = ... ; // false to eliminate asserts

     if (asserts)
         assert <expr> ;

If asserts are used in this fashion, the compiler is free to eliminate all traces of these asserts from the class files that it generates. It is recommended that this be done where appropriate to support generation of code for resource-constrained devices.

Requiring that Assertions are Enabled

Programmers of certain critical systems might wish to ensure that assertions are not disabled in the field. Here is an idiom that prevents a class from being loaded if assertions have been disabled for that class:
  static {
        boolean assertsEnabled = false;
        assert assertsEnabled = true; // Intentional side effect!!!
        if (!assertsEnabled)
            throw new RuntimeException("Asserts must be enabled!!!");

Source Compatibility

The addition of the assert keyword to the Java Programming Language causes existing programs that use assert as an identifier to become invalid. The addition of this keyword does not, however, cause any problems with the use of preexisting binaries (.class files). In order to ease the transition from a world where assert is a legal identifier to one where it isn't, the compiler supports two modes of operation in this release.

  • In the normal mode of operation the compiler accepts programs conforming to the specification for the previous release (1.3). Assertions are not permitted, and the compiler generates a warning if the assert keyword is used as an identifier or label.

  • In an alternate mode of operation, the compiler accepts programs conforming to the specification for release 1.4. Assertions are permitted, and the compiler generates an error message if the assert keyword is used as an identifier or label.

To enable assertions, use the following command line switch.
 -source 1.4

In the absence of this flag, the behavior defaults to "1.3" for maximal source compatibility. Support for 1.3 source compatibility is likely to be phased out over time.

Design FAQ

Following is a collection of frequently asked questions concerning the design of the assertion facility.

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