Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) has the following enhancements in J2SE 1.4.0:
An Internet Domain Naming System (DNS) service provider is part of J2SE 1.4.0. This component enables applications to read data that is stored in the DNS.
The JNDI Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service provider has security enhancements that enable applications to establish secure sessions over existing LDAP connections and to use different authentication protocols.
The JNDI CORBA Object Services (COS) naming service provider supports the Interoperable Naming Service (INS) specification (99-12-03).
For more information, see
The ORB shipping as part of Java 2 Platform now includes a Portable Object Adapter (POA) functionality. An ORB makes it possible for client(s) to make method invocations on the objects being supported by server(s) executing on the same or different machine(s). The POA functionality allows programmers to construct object implementations that are portable between different ORB products, provide support for objects with persistent identities, and much more. Other new features include Portable Interceptors, Interoperable Naming Service, GIOP 1.2 support, Dynamic Management of Any values, and new tools that support a persistent naming service and other features.
To learn more about the changes in Java IDL between J2SE v.1.3 and J2SE v.1.4, see For general information, see
Java Platform Debugger Architecture Product
J2SE 1.4.0 includes an enhanced Java Platform Debugger Architecture that has the following new features.
The Java HotSpot virtual machine now uses "full-speed debugging". In the previous version of Java HotSpot, when debugging was enabled, the program executed using only the interpreter. Now, the full performance advantage of Java HotSpot technology is available to programs running with debugging enabled. The improved performance allows long running programs to be more easily debugged. It also allows testing to proceed at full speed and the launch of a debugger to occur on an exception.
A HotSwap feature has been added to allow a class to be updated while under the control of a debugger.
EventRequests now have the capability of specifying an instance filter, which restricts the events generated by the request to those in which the currently executing instance is the object specified.
The Java Platform Debugger Architecture has been extended so that non-Java programming language source, which is translated to Java programming language source, can be debugged in the future.
A request can now be made to control target VM termination notification, allowing clean shutdown synchronization.
Character handling in J2SE 1.4.0 is based on version 3.0 of the Unicode standard. This character handling affects the Character and String classes in the java.lang package as well as the collation and bidirectional text analysis functionality in the java.text package.
J2SE 1.4.0 supports Thai and Hindi in all areas of functionality. See the Supported Locales document online for complete information on supported locales and writing systems.
Class java.util.Currency was introduced so that currencies can be referenced independent of locales. There are new methods on java.text.NumberFormat and related classes to specify the currency for formatting monetary values.
Java Plug-in Product
Java Plug-in 1.4 offers the following new features:
Support of HTTPS through Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) rather than the browser
Enhanced applet caching so that other files, such as GIF, JPEG, and AU, can be cached in addition to JAR and class files
Applet persistence across browser page changes
Various applet-compatibility enhancements to allow most JDK 1.1 applets to run seemlessly in Java 2.
Version 1.4 also provides the following:
Access to the DOM through standard, w3c-defined interfaces
Assertion and logging support
Applet usability enhancements that include a customizable progress bar for applet loading
Enhanced options in the Java Console to allow dynamic reconfiguration of proxy settings, the policy file, etc., while the applet is running.
For more information, see
Collections Framework
The collections framework has several enhancements in J2SE 1.4, including a marker interface to advertise random access, an identity-based (rather than equality-based) Map, insertion-order-preserving Map and Set implementations, and several new algorithms for manipulating and returning values from lists. See for details.
J2SE 1.4.0 offers new support for accessibility in the following areas:
Mnemonic tab navigation on a JTabbedPane
Text editing by assistive technologies
Accessibility of HTML components
Accessibility of Swing Actions
List navigation by using the first letter of list items
Properties to indicate the presence of a screen magnifier or screen reader, or to specify assistive technologies to load into the Java virtual machine
For more information, see