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6.  Transparent Overlay Windows Designing an Application for Portability Selecting an Optimal Overlay/Underlay Visual Pair Return Types  Previous   Contents   Next 

Criteria Sets

Like XSolarisOvlSelectPartner, XSolarisOvlSelectPair supports a degradation sequence of criteria sets. This means that multiple criteria sets can be specified in a single call. First, the routine attempts to find a pair matching the first criteria set for both the overlay and the underlay. If it finds a pair that meets all of the hard criteria of the first set, it chooses this pair. If no pair meets all hard criteria of the first set, the routine searchs using the second criteria set. This process continues until either a pair is found that meets all of the hard criteria of some criteria set, or all sets have been used to search. This degradation sequence allows clients to specify the criteria for the most preferred pair as the first criteria set. Pairs that are acceptable but less desirable can be specified in criteria sets following the first criteria set. This allows the search to proceed through a progressive relaxation in the client's requirements for the pair with a single subroutine call.

The criteria masks that can be specified are described in "Selecting a Visual for an Overlay/Underlay Window".

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