Solaris X Window System Developer's Guide
1. Introduction to the Solaris X Server
2. DPS Features and Enhancements
3. Visuals on the Solaris X Server
4. Font Support
5. Server Overlay Windows
6. Transparent Overlay Windows
What are Transparent Overlay Windows?
Basic Characteristics of Transparent Overlay Windows
Paint Type
More on Transparent Overlay Characteristics
Window Border
Backing Store
Window Gravity
Input Distribution Model
Print Capture
Choosing Visuals for Overlay/Underlay Windows
Example Program
Overview of the Solaris Transparent Overlay Window API
Creating Transparent Overlay Windows
Setting the Paint Type of a Graphics Context
Setting the Background State of a Transparent Overlay Window
Rendering to a Transparent Overlay Window
Querying the Characteristics of a Transparent Overlay Window
Determining Whether a Window is an Overlay Window
Determining the Paint Type of a Graphics Context
Pixel Transfer Routines
Filling an Area Using the Source Area Paint Type
Copying an Area and Its Paint Type
Retrieving Overlay Color Information
Using Existing Xlib Pixel Transfer Routines
Designing an Application for Portability
Selecting a Visual for an Overlay/Underlay Window
Selecting an Optimal Overlay/Underlay Visual Pair
7. Security Issues
A. Reference Display Devices