Frequently Asked Questions
This appendix contains answers to the following questions about the ToolTalk service:
"After calling tt_open, when does a session actually begin?"
"If another session is attached, does the first session get killed?"
"How can processes on different machines communicate using the ToolTalk service?"
"Is there a standard way to announce that a new program has joined a session?"
"Can I pass my own data to a function registered by tt_message_callback_add?"
"How are memory (byte) ordering issues handled by the ToolTalk service?"
"Is ptype information used if a process of that ptype already exists?"
"Is file scope in static patterns the same as file_in_session scope?"
"What is the difference between arg_add, barg_add, and iarg_add?"
"Is there a limit to the message size or the number of arguments?"
"Does the ToolTalk service use load balancing to handle requests?"
"Where are queued messages stored and how secure is the storage?"
"How can I isolate my debugging tool from all the other tools using the ToolTalk service?"