The Solaris WBEM SDK Developer's Guide describes the Solaris Web-Based Enterprise Management Software Developer's Kit (SDK), which enables developers to create standards-based applications that manage resources in the Solaris operating environment. Developers can also use this toolkit to write providers, which are programs that communicate with managed resources to access data.
The Solaris WBEM SDK includes client application programming interfaces (APIs) for describing and managing resources in the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) Common Information Model (CIM), and provider APIs for getting and setting dynamic data on managed resources. The Solaris WBEM SDK also includes CIM Workshop, a Java application that you can use to create and view managed resources on a system, and sample WBEM client and provider programs.
Who Should Use This Book
This book is for the following types of software developers:
Instrumentation developers - Communicate device information in a standard CIM format to the CIM Object Manager through software providers.
System and network application developers - Write applications that manage the information stored in CIM classes and instances, and use the Solaris WBEM Services APIs to get and set the properties of CIM instances and classes.
Before You Read This Book
This book requires a solid understanding of the following:
Object-oriented programming concepts
Java programming
Common Information Model (CIM) concepts
If you are unfamiliar with these areas, you might find the following references useful:
Java: How to Program, H. M. Deitel and P. J. Deitel, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-263401-5.
The Java Class Libraries, Second Edition, Volume 1, Patrick Chan, Rosanna Lee, Douglas Kramer, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-31002-3.
CIM Tutorial, provided by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF).
The following web sites are useful resources for WBEM technologies:
Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) -This site includes the latest CIM developments, information about industry working groups, and information on how to extend the CIM Schema.
Rational Software - This site contains documentation on the Unified Modeling Language (UML).
How This Book Is Organized
Chapter 1, Overview of Solaris Web-Based Enterprise Management introduces Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM), the Common Information Model (CIM), the Solaris WBEM SDK Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), and CIM Workshop.
Chapter 2, Creating JavaBeans Using the MOF Compiler explains how to use the MOF compiler.
Chapter 3, Writing a Client Program explains how to use the client APIs to write client programs.
Chapter 4, Writing a Provider Program explains how to use the provider APIs to write provider programs.
Chapter 5, Writing WBEM Queries explains how to use the Query APIs and the WBEM Query Language (WQL) to write and handle queries.
Chapter 6, Using the Solaris WBEM SDK Sample Programs describes the sample programs provided with the Solaris WBEM SDK.
Appendix A, WBEM Error Messages explains the error messages generated by components of the Solaris WBEM SDK.
Appendix B, The Solaris Schema describes the MOF files included with the Solaris WBEM SDK.