C H A P T E R  A

Miscellaneous SSP Procedures

This appendix describes how to do the following:

Changing the SSP Name

If you need to change the name of your SSP, note that you must modify numerous files on both the SSP and the domains.

procedure icon  To Rename the SSP

1. Do one of the following:

2. On each domain, replace the old SSP name with the new name in the
/etc/hosts and the /etc/ssphostname files.

3. Reboot the SSP.

Deconfiguring a Domain

The following procedure undoes a domain configuration.

procedure icon  To Deconfigure a Host

1. For the domain to be deconfigured, retain a copy of the /etc/vfstab if the system was pre-configured.

2. Log into the domain as superuser and deconfigure the domain.

#  /usr/sbin/sys-unconfig

3. Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 on all domains that are to be deconfigured.

Note Note - Each deconfigured domain is shut down automatically.

Deconfiguring the SSP

The deconfiguration of the SSP causes the following environment variables to be removed from the SSP:

Note Note - Be sure to deconfigure the domains (explained in the previous procedure), before deconfiguring the SSP. Also, if you plan to reuse the SSP that you are deconfiguring, run ssp_backup(1M) before deconfiguration.

procedure icon  To Deconfigure the SSP

1. Log in as user ssp , and set SUNW_HOSTNAME to switch the platform name.

ssp% domain_switch platform_name 

2. At the prompt, type:

ssp% domain_remove -d domain_name 

3. Repeat Step 2 for each domain.

4. Log in to the SSP as superuser and type:

ssp# /opt/SUNWssp/bin/ssp_unconfig  
ssp# /usr/sbin/sys-unconfig

Note Note - The sys-unconfig command automatically shuts down the SSP.