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CIM_ERR_LOW_ON_MEMORY Error Occurs When Trying to Add Data With WBEM (4312409)

The following error message is displayed when memory is low:
You cannot add more entries when the Common Information Model (CIM) Object Manager has run low on memory. You must reset the CIM Object Manager Repository.

Workaround: To reset the CIM Object Manager Repository, follow these steps.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Stop the CIM Object Manager.
    # /etc/init.d/init.wbem stop

  3. Remove the JavaSpaces™ log directory.
    # /bin/rm -rf /var/sadm/wbem/log

  4. Restart the CIM Object Manager.
    # /etc/init.d/init.wbem start

    Note - When you reset the CIM Object Manager Repository, you lose any proprietary definitions in your data store. You must recompile the MOF files that contain those definitions by using the mofcomp command. For example:
    # /usr/sadm/bin/mofcomp -u root -p root-password your-mof-file

Networking Bug

Configuring Multiple Tunnels Between Two IP Nodes With Filtering Enabled Might Result in Packet Loss (4152864)

If you configure multiple IP tunnels between two IP nodes, and enable ip_strict_dst_multihoming or other IP filters, packet loss might result.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds.

  • Configure a single tunnel between the two IP nodes and add addresses to the tunnel by using the ifconfig command with the -addif option.

  • Do not enable ip_strict_dst_multihoming on tunnels between two IP nodes.

Security Bugs

CDE Removable Media Auto Run Functionality Removed From the Solaris 9 Operating Environment (4483353)

The Removable Media auto run functionality in the CDE desktop environment has been temporarily removed from the Solaris 9 operating environment to mitigate potential security issues.

To use the auto run functionality for a CD-ROM or another removable media volume, you must do one of the following:

  • Run the volstart program from the top level of the removable media file system

  • Follow the instructions included with the CD for access from outside of CDE

Note - For the latest information on security issues and patches, check the SunSolveSM web site at All security patches are available from the SunSolve site without a support contract.

cron, at, and batch Cannot Schedule Jobs for Locked Accounts (4622431)

In the Solaris 9 operating environment, locked accounts are treated in the same way as expired or nonexistent accounts. As a result, the cron, at, and batch utilities cannot schedule jobs on locked accounts.

Workaround: To enable locked accounts to accept cron, at, or batch jobs, replace the password field of a locked account (*LK*) with the string NP (for no password.)

Documentation CD Issue

SUNWsdocs Package Necessary to Remove Other Documentation Packages

If you remove the SUNWsdocs package, then try to remove other documentation packages, the removal fails. This problem occurs because the SUNWsdocs package is installed with any collection and provides the browser entry point.

Workaround: If you removed the SUNWsdocs package, reinstall the SUNWsdocs package from the documentation media and then remove the other documentation packages.

Localization Bugs

AltGraph-E Does Not Produce Euro Character in en_US.UTF-8 Locale (4633549)

In the en_US.UTF-8 locale, you cannot input the Euro character by simultaneously pressing the AltGraph and E keys.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds.

  • Press and release the Compose key, then press and release the C key, then press and release the = key (Compose+C+=).

    Note - If your keyboard does not include the Compose key, then press the Control key while you press the Shift and T keys (Ctrl-Shift-T).

  • Press the Alt key while you press the 4 key (Alt-4).

Shift-U Does Not Work as Expected in Arabic Locales (4303879)

To generate the diacritic character in Arabic locales, type the Arabic character, then Shift-U.

Sorting in the European UTF-8 Locales Does Not Function Correctly (4307314)

Sorting in the European UTF-8 locales does not work properly.

Workaround: Before you attempt to sort in a FIGGS UTF-8 locale, set the LC_COLLATE variable to the ISO-1 equivalent.
# echo $LC_COLLATE
>  es_ES.UTF-8
# setenv LC_COLLATE es_ES.IS08859-1
Then start sorting.

Smartcard Application Not Fully Localized (4304495)

Some parts of the Smartcard application are not localized, and cannot be fully translated.

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