Document fins/I0677-1
FIN #: I0677-1
SYNOPSIS: StorEdge T3 Array battery refresh cycle should be changed to 28 days
to avoid premature battery failure
DATE: Jun/01/01
KEYWORDS: StorEdge T3 Array battery refresh cycle should be changed to 28 days
to avoid premature battery failure
- Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
(For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
SYNOPSIS: StorEdge T3 Array battery refresh cycle should be changed to
28 days to avoid premature battery failure.
SunAlert: No
PRODUCT_REFERENCE: T3 Array Battery Refresh Cycle
PRODUCT CATEGORY: Storage / Service
Mkt_ID Platform Model Description Serial Number
------ -------- ----- ----------- -------------
Systems Affected
- Anysys All System Platform Independent -
X-Options Affected
- T3 ALL T3 StorEdge Array -
- T300 ALL T300 StorEdge Array -
- T301 ALL T301 StorEdge Array -
Part Number Description Model
----------- ----------- -----
- - -
BugId: 4403799 - 325 Watt Power Supply w NiMH Battery on T3 failed.
4429265 - Battery scheduler file needs to revert to 28 days.
109115 or higher: T3 1.17: System Firmware Update.
ESC: 529253
Manual: 806-4213-11 - Sun StorEdge T3 Disk Tray Field Service Manual.
Infodoc: 24714 - T3 Battery Management and the Battery Scheduler Daemon.
Design limitations and 14 day battery refresh cycles within the
charging circuit of the StorEdge T3 Array are contributing to
early-life failures of the T3 Power Cooling Unit Battery Pack. These
failures account for 20% of the Power Cooling Unit failures in the
field. Resetting the refresh cycle from 14 days to 28 days will extend
the life of the Power Cooling Unit battery packs, thus reducing the
number of battery failures and addressing customer concerns about
battery quality.
The T3 contains dual power supplies and when one fails the other power
supply takes over and the failure is reported in the syslog file. At
this point the data cache is no longer used. This is a safeguard
against losing data in the cache during a subsequent powerfail.
Following is an example of battery failure messages:
Jan 11 15:38:10 BATD[1]: N: Battery Refreshing
cycle starts from this point.
Jan 11 15:38:11 LPCT[1]: N: u1pcu1: Refreshing
Jan 11 15:38:14 LPCT[1]: N: u2pcu1: Refreshing
Jan 11 15:38:17 LPCT[1]: N: u1pcu1: Battery
not OK
** Expected message...system has detected drop in voltage from u1pcu1 as a
result of the discharge test.
Jan 11 15:38:22 BATD[1]: N: u1pcu1: hold time
was 12 seconds.
Jan 11 15:38:25 BATD[1]: W: u1pcu1: Replace
battery, hold time low.
Jan 11 15:52:48 LPCT[1]: N: u2pcu1: Battery
not OK
** u2pcu1 expected message....
Jan 11 15:52:50 BATD[1]: N: u2pcu1: hold time
was 878 seconds.
** u2pcu1 passed the test as this is about a 14 minute hold time.
Jan 12 06:38:21 BATD[1]: W: u1pcu1: Replace
battery, hold time low.
Jan 12 06:38:21 BATD[1]: N: u1pcu1 Battery
took too long to recharge.
Jan 12 06:38:21 BATD[1]: N: u1pcu2:skips
battery refresh because the other PCU u1pcu1 : PCU1 hold time low
** Expected we would skip the u1pcu2 refresh test since u1pcu1 has failed.
Jan 12 06:38:23 LPCT[1]: N: u2pcu2: Refreshing
Jan 12 06:52:09 LPCT[1]: N: u2pcu2: Battery
not OK
Jan 12 06:52:12 last message repeated 1 time
Jan 12 06:52:15 BATD[1]: N: u2pcu2: hold time
was 833 seconds.
** u2pcu2 is ok based on this hold time.
Jan 12 07:02:47 pshc[1]: N: fru stat
Jan 12 07:03:27 pshc[1]: N: refresh -s
Jan 12 18:01:24 BATD[1]: N: Battery Refreshing
cycle ends at this point.
Approximately 20% of the Power Cooling Unit failures are due to reduced
battery life as a result of heat generated during battery refresh
cycles. Under specified conditions, the batteries can face a
temperature much higher than allowed by the supplier. This higher
temperature rendors the charging circuit inadaquate, further reducing
the battery life.
This problem can be solved by setting a longer interval between battery
refresh cycles. The refresh cycle has previously been set by Sun
Manufacturing to 14 days. Manufacturing will increase the refresh
cycle time to 28 days on new T3 units. T3 units already in the field
should be modified according to the recommended actions below.
| | MANDATORY (Fully Pro-Active)
| X | CONTROLLED PRO-ACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan)
| | REACTIVE (As Required)
An Authorized Enterprise Field Service Representative may avoid the
above mentioned problems by following the recommendations as shown
The problem is fixed by upgrading to 1.17a or newer firmware via Patch
109115 or newer.
. The "Refresh Schedule Adjustment Procedure" is available as a
workaround until the firmware is installed.
. The "Refresh Schedule Adjustment Procedure" is available (below) as a
temporary workaround if the firmware is not installed.
. These are the steps to change the StorEdge T3 Array Power Cooling Unit
battery refresh cycle from 14 days to 28 days.
. Reference: Sun StorEdge T3 Disk Tray Field Service Manual,
Chapter 7, paragraphs 7.4.1 and 7.4.2.
Refresh Schedule Adjustment Procedure
1. Telnet to the T3 and login as "root".
2. Check to see if the T3 is running a battery refresh by typing
"refresh -s <return>" from the T3 CLI.
If yes, decide whether or not to kill the task.
A. To kill the task type "refresh -k <return>" and proceed
step 2.
-- or --
B. To allow the task to continue, wait until the refresh task is
complete. Check status by typing "refresh -s
<return>". When
the refresh is complete proceed to step 2.
3. Ftp from a workstation to the T3 to have refresh scheduler adjusted.
4. Get /etc/schd.conf.
5. Edit the file as follows
Change From: BAT_CYC 14
Change To: BAT_CYC 28
6. Ftp to the T3 and put the modified schd.conf file in the
/etc directory.
7. Type "refresh -i <return>"
Implementation Footnote:
i) In case of MANDATORY FINs, Enterprise Services will attempt to
contact all affected customers to recommend implementation of
the FIN.
ii) For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services mission critical
support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN (to their
respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer.
iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Enterprise Services will implement the FIN as the
need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network
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SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.ebay/FIN_FCO/
* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
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SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.Corp/
* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.
Supporting Documents:
* Supporting documents for FIN/FCOs can be found on Edist. Edist can be
accessed internally at the following URL: http://edist.corp/.
* From there, follow the hyperlink path of "Enterprise Services Documenta-
tion" and click on "FIN & FCO attachments", then choose the
folder, FIN or FCO. This will display supporting directories/files for
FINs or FCOs.
Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of https://infoserver.Sun.COM
* Send questions or comments to finfco-manager@Sun.COM
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