InfoDoc ID   Synopsis   Date
41773   Pinout of RS232 Connector on three-connector RSC cards   22 Apr 2002

Status Issued


There are two versions of the Sun RSC (Remote System Control) cards.

The first version (Version "A") has part number 501-4901, and has only two connectors on its mounting bracket. The connectors are an RJ-11 jack for plugging an analog telephone line into the on-board modem, and an RJ-45 jack for plugging in a twisted-pair Ethernet cable.

The second version (Version "B") has part number 501-5856, and has three connectors on its mounting bracket. The first two connectors are the same as the version A board (analog modem and ethernet). The third connector is an RS232 port on an RJ-45 jack. This connector allows the system administrator attach an RS232 terminal or an external modem to the RSC card.

The pin assignments on the RS232 port are identical to those on the Netra [TM] T1 model 100 server, 105 server, AC200 server, DC200 server, and the Netra X1 server. There's only one difference. The RSC card does not use pin 7, which is the DSR input signal on the Netra computers. However, the lack of a DSR signal is not important. The RSC card will work with the very same cable that you use for the Netra computers listed above.

Here is the pin assignments on the RSC version B card, part number 501-5686:

Looking at the RSC card's connector, the pins are numbered from left to right:

   1      8
  |        |
  +--    --+
     |  |

    1   RTS
    2   DTR
    3   TxD
    4   GND
    5   GND
    6   RxD
    7  (not used)
    8   CTS            


SUBMITTER: Greg Andrews APPLIES TO: AFO Vertical Team Docs/LAN/WAN/Datacomms, Hardware/Sun Fire ATTACHMENTS:

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