Synopsis |
Date |
17767 |
flash-update failure and resulting POST failure requires workaround |
17 May 2000 |
In some cases, flash-update could coredump and place the system in a condition
where it will not pass POST. This can happen if someone installs a
substantially downrev version of the flashprom. This usually causes most
if not all of the cpu/memory pcbs to fail POST.
If there is a good cpu/memory pcb available, use it along with the following
steps to fix the failed cpu/memory pcbs.
Recovery Scenario
After power has been restored to the system, turn the power key switch to the
On position.
The following scenario requires that there be another working board of the
same type installed in the system. In this scenario, the flash PROM on board 3
recovers by copying the flash PROM image from board 0.
1. Connect a serial port cable to port A and to either a terminal
or a Sun workstation.
2. Set the serial port at 9600 baud, 8-bit word, no parity, and
1 stop bit.
3. Remove the board(s) that has the corrupted flash PROMs.
4. Turn the power key switch to the On position.
The system responds with the message:
Hardware Power ON
5. Wait 15 seconds and type s on the keyboard terminal or the
tip window connected to the serial port.
The system responds:
*** Toggle Stop POST Flag = 1 ***
This message shows that POST (Power-On Self-Test) has recorded your request
to stop after its tests are completed. When POSTstops, it displays its options
0,0Extended POST Menus
0,0Select one of the following functions
0,0 '0' Return
0,0 '1' Reset
0,0 '2' Peek/Poke device
0,0 '3' Environmental Status
0,0 '4' Test Menus
0,0 '5' State Dump
0,0 '6' Frequency Margining
0,0 '7' Display System Summary
0,0 '8' Display Fatal Reset Info
0,0 '9' Scan System Board Ring
0,0 'a' Set Memory Test Megs
0,0 'b' Print SIMM Info
0,0 'c' Focus CPU
0,0 'd' CPU State
0,0 'f' fcopy
0,0 'g' System Power Off
0,0 'h' Bounce Patterns
0,0 'i' Focus I/O Board
6. Type f to select fcopy.
Command == f
0,0Flash PROM Copy Menu
0,0Select one of the following functions
0,0 '0' Return
0,0 '1' Copy
0,0 '2' Verify
0,0 '3' Display Version
0,0 '4' Activate System Board
Command =='>
7. Plug in the board with the corrupted flash PROM. Be sure
its power LED comes on.
8. Type 4 to select Activate System Board.
The system prompts you to enter the board number in hexadecimal notation
from 0 through 9 and "a" through "f". In the example below, board 3 is entered
as the board to be activated.
Command == 4
0,0Input board number in hex (`0' thru `9' and `a' thru `f')
0,0Flash PROM Copy Menu
0,0 '0' Return
0,0 '1' Copy
0,0 '2' Verify
0,0 '3' Display Version
0,0 '4' Activate System Board
Command =='>
9. Type 1 to select Copy. Respond to the prompts for source
(where to copy from) and destination (where to copy to)
board numbers in hexadecimal notation.
In the example below, board 0 is entered as the source and board 3 is entered
as the destination:
Command == 1
0,0Input board number in hex (`0' thru `9' and `a' thru `f')
from board? 0
to board? 3
0,0 Mfg code 04, Dev code a4
0,0Erasing prom at 000001cc.f8000000
0,0Copy prom at 000001c0.f8000000 to prom at 000001cc.f8000000
10. Type 3 to select Display Version.
The system responds by showing all PROM versions in the system.
11. Turn the power key switch to the Standby position. Wait
15 seconds.
12. Repeat steps 4 through 11 for any additional pcbs with the
same POST problem.
13. Follow the procedure to attempt the flash PROM updating
process again.
SUBMITTER: Gary Northup
APPLIES TO: Hardware, Hardware/Ultra Enterprise/Servers, AFO Vertical Team Docs, AFO Vertical Team Docs/Hardware
Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.