SRDB ID   Synopsis   Date
26861   Sensor status warning messages on Sun Fire (3800-6800) systems   14 Aug 2001

Status Issued


What does "sensor status under limit" or "sensor status over limit" mean?


This means that a temperature or voltage threshold has been exceeded. The text surrounding this status message, point to the component that is having the problem. Unless there is a thermal problem in the environment or power problems, the system board identified with the "sensor status" problem should be replaced.

NOTE: These messages are usually decoded for you by Scapp.  This information
is provided for those instances where not all the messages may be available
(e.g. high security black sites).  This is current as of Scapp release 5.11.4.

The numerical message format is:

event type, event code, sensor tag

Where event type is 7 for environmental events.

The event codes for environmental events are:

        1       sensor over limit
        2       sensor under limit
        3       sensor shutdown - environmental shutdown has occurred
        4       fan failure
        5       fan is ok again

The sensor tag bitfields are defined as:

      +------------------------------------------------------- HPU Type
      |        +---------------------------------------------- Slot
      |        |       +-------------------------------------- Part
      |        |       |        +----------------------------- Part #
      |        |       |        |      +---------------------- Type
      |        |       |        |      |       +-------------- Type num
      |        |       |        |      |       |     +-------- Node ID
      |        |       |        |      |       |     |     +-- Reserved
      |        |       |        |      |       |     |     |
  63 ... 48  47..40  39..32  31..24  23..16  15..8  7..4  3..0

The HPU Type is encoded as:

        0x101   4800, 4810, 6800 SC
        0x102   3800 SC
        0x201   CPU Board
        0x301   4800, 4810, 6800 Fireplane Switch
        0x303   3800 Fireplane Switch
        0x401   6800 I/O Fan Tray
        0x402   6800 CPU Fan Tray
        0x403   Rack Fan Tray
        0x404   4800 Fan Tray
        0x405   4810 I/O Fan Tray
        0x406   4810 CPU Fan Tray
        0x407   4800 Top Fan Tray
        0x408   3800 Fan Tray
        0x409   4800 Bottom Fan Tray
        0x501   4800, 4810, 6800 PCI I/O Assembly
        0x502   4800, 4810, 6800 cPCI I/O Assembly
        0x503   3800 cPCI I/O Assembly
        0x60x   Power Supply

Where the Part is encoded as:

        0x1     SBBC
        0x2     SDC
        0x3     AR
        0x4     CBH
        0x5     DX
        0x6     CHEETAH
        0x7     1_5_VDC
        0x8     3_3_VDC
        0x9     5_VDC
        0xA     12_VDC
        0xB     48_VDC
        0xC     CURRENT
        0xD     BOARD
        0xE     SCAPP
        0xF     SCHIZO
        0x10    FAN

And the (Sensor) Type is encoded as:

        0x1     VOLTAGE
        0x2     CURRENT
        0x3     TEMPERATURE
        0x4     COOLING
        0x5     1_5_VDC
        0x6     1_8_VDC
        0x7     3_3_VDC
        0x8     5_VDC
        0x9     12_VDC
        0xA     48_VDC
        0xB     ENVDB

Therefore, the following example would decode as follows:

Sensor Status OverLimit /N0/SB0 7,1,Ox201000601060100

 0x201 - CPU Board
 0x00  - Slot 0
 0x06  - Cheetah
 0x01  - Cheetah #1  (i.e. CPU 1)
 0x06  - 1.8V DC sensor
 0x01  - Sensor #1 on Cheetah
 0x0   - Node 0

Thus, the 1.8 voltage level is over the limit on CPU 1 on SB 0
for this example.            


Authors: Rick Holmes/John Cecere


Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.