SRDB ID   Synopsis   Date
48228   Sun Fire[TM] 12K/15K: Cheat Sheet: Cacheable Address Space   31 Oct 2002

Status Issued

- Problem Statement: 

    Cheat Sheet: Cacheable Address Space

- Symptoms:

    Various messages and/or dump output may refer to a physical
    address in the system (i.e., AFAR registers).

- Troubleshooting:

    The table below explains the cacheable address range in the

       Used with transactions RTO, RTS, WB, RS, and WS

       Address Space      Slice #    Starting Addr    Ending Addr
       Memory Slice 0   |  0x0    |  000 0000 0000 | 01f ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 1   |  0x1    |  020 0000 0000 | 03f ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 2   |  0x2    |  040 0000 0000 | 05f ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 3   |  0x3    |  060 0000 0000 | 07f ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 4   |  0x4    |  080 0000 0000 | 09f ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 5   |  0x5    |  0a0 0000 0000 | 0bf ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 6   |  0x6    |  0c0 0000 0000 | 0df ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 7   |  0x7    |  0e0 0000 0000 | 0ff ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 8   |  0x8    |  100 0000 0000 | 11f ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 9   |  0x9    |  120 0000 0000 | 13f ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 10  |  0xa    |  140 0000 0000 | 15f ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 11  |  0xb    |  160 0000 0000 | 17f ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 12  |  0xc    |  180 0000 0000 | 19f ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 13  |  0xd    |  1a0 0000 0000 | 1bf ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 14  |  0xe    |  1c0 0000 0000 | 1df ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 15  |  0xf    |  1e0 0000 0000 | 1ff ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 16  |  0x10   |  200 0000 0000 | 21f ffff ffff
       Memory Slice 17  |  0x11   |  220 0000 0000 | 23f ffff ffff
       Unused cacheable |         |  240 0000 0000 | 3ff ffff ffff
        slices          |         |                |
       Unused non-      |         |  400 0000 0000 | 7ff ffff ffff
        cacheable slices|         |                | 

    In general, the address 43 bit address is broken down as follows:

       [42]         0 = cacheable; 1 = non-cacheable
       [41:37]      Memory slice #
       [36:6]       128GB Space
       [5:0]        Offset in line

    |    4|     |            3|                  2|                  1|                   |
    |0| slice # |                       128GB Space                           |   offset  |

- Resolution:


- Summary of part number and patch ID's 

- References and bug IDs

- Additional background information

- Meta-Data/Problem categorization:

Product/Platform: SF12K/SF15K

- Keywords

15K, 12K, SF15K, SF12K, starcat, Cacheable Address Space            


SUBMITTER: Scott Davenport APPLIES TO: Hardware/Sun Fire /15000, Hardware/Sun Fire /12000 ATTACHMENTS:

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