A Graphical Introduction to Fuzzy Logic

by Jim Sibigtroth
Motorola Microcontroller Technologies Group
Austin, Texas

T his paper uses a graphical approach to introduce fuzzy logic concepts. While fuzzy logic is useful for a very broad range of applications, this paper concentrates on embedded control applications using software in a microcontroller to implement fuzzy inference algorithms. The fuzzy inference process splits nicely into three parts called fuzzification, rule evaluation, and defuzzification. A small general purpose fuzzy kernel program is used to demonstrate how each of the three processes can be implemented on an 8-bit microcontroller.

Several textbooks are now available to provide a theoretical mathematical basis for fuzzy logic. This paper attempts to build a common sense understanding of the subject to form a better basis for practical application of this new technology. As we will see, fuzzy logic uses plain language rules and knowledge directly from the application expert rather than forcing the expert to translate knowledge into a computer programming language.


I n traditional MCU based control systems, we represent inputs as precise numeric values such as 32 RPM or an A-to-D value of $3F. We do this because that is the kind of data we get from electronic sensors and the kind of values digital processors use in the course of executing programs. But when people make control decisions they use messy linguistic terms like "FAST" and "WARM". In some traditional control systems we might assign a name like WARM to a range of values from a temperature sensor. This helps a little because we can now write a program that behaves in a certain way when the temperature input is within this range of values. In mathematics this range of values would be called a set.

In traditional Aristotelian logic, a set has sharp boundaries. In fuzzy logic we would call this a "crisp" set. Each possible value of the input variable either is or is not a member of the set. Fuzzy logic gives us a more powerful way to classify data. An input value can have a degree of membership in a fuzzy set that varies continuously from zero (not a member) to one (absolutely a member). Where the Aristotelian set required only the endpoints of a range to define the set, fuzzy logic requires a describing function called a membership function to fully define the boundaries of a fuzzy set. The fuzzy set becomes a way of assigning exact mathematical meaning to a subjective sounding linguistic term such as WARM.
Figure 1 shows a membership function for the fuzzy set named WARM. The x-axis shows all possible values of the input variable (temperature in this case). The y-axis represents degree of membership (the degree to which you would say the statement "TEMPERATURE is WARM" is true). On the y-axis, zero represents false and one represents true. As the input variable temperature changes from 56 to 72 , the linguistic term WARM changes from being true (y=1) to being false (y=0). At 68 "TEMPERATURE is WARM" is true to a degree of 25% which is closer to false than true.
[IMAGE of Membership Function]


Since we can assign numeric values to linguistic expressions, it follows that we can also combine such expressions into rules and evaluate them mathematically. A typical fuzzy logic rule might be

"If temperature is warm and pressure is low then set heat to high".

This rule has two antecedent expressions and one consequent expression. Each antecedent expression can be replaced by a numeric value by comparing the current input values against the membership functions for WARM and LOW respectively. For now we are only interested in the basic idea that a rule written in plain language can be thought of as an equivalent mathematical expression that can be evaluated by a small microcontroller. The rest of this paper describes a microcontroller program that implements fuzzy logic techniques to execute a control function.


Figure 2 shows a block diagram of a software fuzzy inference system. The right half of the figure shows the three part fuzzy inference kernel that executes at run-time. The left half of the figure shows the data structures that comprise the knowledge base for a specific control application. For each of the three parts of the kernel program there is a corresponding data structure in the knowledge base. The inputs to this system are pre-processed values from system input sensors. The outputs are values that are suitable for driving system components such as motors. It is likely that these output values would need to be further processed before actually driving an output component such as a motor. Post-processing such as converting a binary value into a PWM signal for a motor driver circuit are well known in the field and are not part of a fuzzy logic discussion.
[Software Fuzzy Inference System]


The fuzzification step takes current input sensor values, compares them against input membership functions in the knowledge base, and stores fuzzy input values in a RAM data structure. There is one fuzzy input for each linguistic label of each input. For a system with two inputs and seven linguistic labels per input there would be fourteen fuzzy inputs.

The rule evaluation step processes a list of rules from the knowledge base using current fuzzy input information from the previous fuzzification step to produce fuzzy outputs in RAM. For a system with one output and seven linguistic labels per output, there will be seven fuzzy outputs.

Defuzzification uses the fuzzy outputs from the rule evaluation step and output membership function definitions from the knowledge base to produce a single output value for each system output. An output such as HEAT is 50% may need to be post-processed into a 50% duty cycle PWM signal to drive a system output component. This post-processing is not shown in figure 2.

The requirements of each application will determine how often the system inputs are sampled and how often system outputs are updated. Suppose your output must be updated every 100 milliseconds. The fuzzy inference kernel shown in figure 2 would be executed once every 100 milliseconds. You may decide to sample system inputs at this same rate or at a faster rate and perform some filtering or averaging algorithm as part of the pre-processing of inputs before feeding them to the fuzzy kernel in figure 2. You could also use historical input readings to develop derivatives or integrals of an input parameter and use these as inputs to the fuzzy inference system.

Looking at the fuzzy inference kernel as a whole, the goal is to provide a specific output value (or set of output values) for every possible combination of system input values. This is really just the definition of any control system. If you currently use a proportional-integral-differential (PID) control methodology you can simply replace the PID block of your program with a fuzzy inference kernel. Fuzzy logic can be used to solve a wider range of problems than PID because fuzzy logic does not require a linear system or an accurate mathematical model of the system being controlled. This has been demonstrated in a number of practical control systems where there was no automatic control system solution before fuzzy logic. One such system was a cement drying kiln where fuzzy logic was able to capture the expert knowledge of human operators. Another system is a commuter train in Sendai, Japan where the fuzzy based controller operates the train so smoothly that riders don't need to hold onto hanging straps. This system outperforms the human operators that it has replaced.

On the surface, the acceleration of a train seems simple but a closer look reveals why a PID controller has so much trouble solving the problem. The mathematical model for the train is not constant. The load weight, track conditions, wind speed, and other factors vary over wide ranges. An experienced human operator understands all of these factors and is able to adapt his control strategy to compensate. The operator doesn't weigh the train or measure track friction. He incorporates these variations into rules which control throttle position based on speed, acceleration, and location relative to schedule. He recognizes that certain combinations of these inputs suggest that the train is heavily loaded or that there must be a strong headwind. He can then incorporate this implied knowledge into subsequent control decisions. The physical system and interrelated factors are just too complex for a practical PID controller.


S ystem inputs enter this block as an 8-bit hexadecimal value representing the current reading from a system sensor. For each input there can be as many as eight linguistic labels and each one has a membership function definition in the knowledge base. Figure 3 shows a trapezoidal input membership function for WARM which is one label associated with the system input TEMPERATURE. The current input corresponds to a position on the x-axis of the membership function. A software subroutine calculates the y-intercept and returns it as the truth value for the linguistic label. This is done for all labels of one input. Then another input is read and the loop is repeated for each label of that input.

This is similar to the membership function shown in figure 1 except the axes have been re labeled with values that are more suitable for a microcontroller based system. The input value has been scaled to fit on a $00 to $FF scale and the y-axis now runs from $00 (false) to $FF (completely true).
[Trapezoidal Membership Function]


In the knowledge base, each membership function is defined by four 8-bit values, the x position of two points and two slope values. The first point defines the left endpoint of the base. Slope_1 defines the slope of the left slanting side of the trapezoid. The second point defines the right end of the top of the trapezoid and the second slope defines the slope of the right slanting side of the trapezoid. The whole x-axis can be divided into three segments. Segment 0 is everything to the left of the trapezoid. Segment 1 starts at point_1 and includes any point on the left slanting side or the top of the trapezoid. Segment 2 starts at point_2 and includes any point on the right slanting side or to the right of the trapezoid. There are other ways to define an input membership function but this happens to be the way the kernels on Motorola's FREEware BBS are defined.

Two delta values may be calculated. Delta_1 is the difference between the current input value and point_1, and delta_2 is the difference between the input value and point_2. In segment 0 both delta values are negative and the truth value is zero, in segment 1 the truth value is delta_1 times slope_1 (subject to an upper limit of $FF), and in segment 2 the truth value is $FF minus the quantity delta_2 times slope_2 (subject to a lower limit of zero). Listing 1 is a commented listing of the Get_Grade routine written in M68HC11 assembly language.

Listing 1. Find Truth Value for One Label of One Input

              * GET_GRADE - Routine to project a discrete input value onto   *  
              *   the associated input membership function (fuzzification).  *  
B6AB 36       [ 3] GET_GRADE  PSHA                ;Save input value of A  
B6AC 5F       [ 2]            CLRB                ;In case grade = 0  
B6AD A002     [ 4]            SUBA  2,X           ;Input value -- pt2 -> A  
B6AF 2310     [ 3]            BLS   NOT_SEG2      ;If input < pt2  
B6B1 E603     [ 4]            LDAB  3,X           ;Slope 2
B6B3 271C     [ 3]            BEQ   HAV_GRAD      ;Skip if zero slope    
B6B5 3D       [10]            MUL                 ;(In -- pt1) * slp2 -> A:B  
B6B6 4D       [ 2]            TSTA                ;Check for > $FF  
B6B7 2703     [ 3]            BEQ   NO_FIX        ;If upper 8 = 0  
B6B9 5F       [ 2]            CLRB                ;Limit grade to 0  
B6BA 2015     [ 3]            BRA   HAV_GRAD      ;In limit region of seg 2  
B6BC C0FF     [ 2] NO_FIX     SUBB  #$FF          ;B -- $FF  
B6BE 50       [ 2]            NEGB                ;$FF -- B  
B6BF 2010     [ 3]            BRA   HAV_GRAD      ;($FF --((In -- pt2) * slp2))  
B6C1 AB02     [ 4] NOT_SEG2   ADDA  2,X           ;Restore input value  
B6C3 A000     [ 4]            SUBA  0,X           ;Input value -- pt1 -> A  
B6C5 250A     [ 3]            BLO   HAV_GRAD      ;In < pt1 so grade = 0  
B6C7 E601     [ 4]            LDAB  1,X           ;Slope 1  
B6C9 2704     [ 3]            BEQ   ZERO_SLP      ;Skip if zero slope    
B6CB 3D       [10]            MUL                 ;(In -- pt1) * slp1 -> A:B  
B6CC 4D       [ 2]            TSTA                ;Check for > $FF  
B6CD 2702     [ 3]            BEQ   HAV_GRAD      ;Result OK in B  
B6CF C6FF     [ 2] ZERO_SLP   LDAB  #$FF          ;Limit region or zero slope  
B6D1 08       [ 3] HAV_GRAD   INX                 ;Point at next MF spec  
B6D2 08       [ 3]            INX  
B6D3 08       [ 3]            INX  
B6D4 08       [ 3]            INX  
B6D5 32       [ 4]            PULA                ;Restore A register  


A relatively simple rule structure is used for small microcontroller based fuzzy logic systems. A rule such as "If TEMPERATURE is WARM and PRESSURE is LOW then set HEAT to HIGH", has two antecedents (if parts) and one consequent (then part). A complete control system would have a list of many similar rules which together describe the system control response. The order of rules in this list does not affect the system response. All rules are imagined to be evaluated simultaneously although in a software based system they would actually be processed sequentially.

Each antecedent expression such as "TEMPERATURE is WARM" can be replaced by the current value of the corresponding fuzzy input (a RAM value that was determined during fuzzification). "If" introduces the antecedents that are required to make the rule true and indicates the start of a rule. "Then" separates the antecedent conditions from the consequent actions. Antecedents are connected by the "and" operator and there is an implied "or" operator between successive rules. Rules can be stored in the knowledge base as pointers or offsets to fuzzy inputs followed by pointers or offsets to fuzzy outputs. In the code example in listing 2, one byte offsets are used and consequents are distinguished from antecedents by setting the MSB of each consequent offset. The end of the rule base is indicated by a $FF byte.

Min-Max rule evaluation (which works well for many embedded control applications) is performed by initially clearing all fuzzy outputs, pointing at the start of the rule list, and processing successive rules according to the following algorithm. Find the smallest antecedent (min) of a rule and store this result to each consequent of the rule unless the consequent fuzzy output is already bigger (max). Repeat until you reach an end-of-rules marker. The results of the rule evaluation will be a table of fuzzy output values in RAM. You can think of the fuzzy outputs as the intermediate results of considering all of the rules governing the system. The fuzzy outputs will need to be processed further to get a single composite result for each system output.

Listing 2. Min-Max Rule Evaluation

B6F1 18CEB690 [ 4]            LDY   #RULE_START   ;Point to start of 1st rule  
B6F5 86FF     [ 2] RULE_TOP   LDAA  #$FF          ;Begin processing a rule  
                   * A will hold grade of smallest (min) if part  
B6F7 18E600   [ 5] IF_LOOP    LDAB  0,Y        ;Rule byte 000X XAAA; If X is A  
B6FA 2B0E     [ 3]            BMI   THEN_LOOP     ;If MSB=1, exit to then loop  
B6FC 1808     [ 4]            INY                 ;Point at next rule byte  
B6FE CE0004   [ 3]            LDX   #FUZ_INS      ;Point at fuzzy inputs  
B701 3A       [ 3]            ABX                 ;Point to specific fuzzy in  
B702 A100     [ 4]            CMPA  0,X           ;Is this fuzzy input lower?  
B704 23F1     [ 3]            BLS   IF_LOOP       ;If not don't replace lowest  
B706 A600     [ 4]            LDAA  0,X           ;Replace lowest if  
B708 20ED     [ 3]            BRA   IF_LOOP       ;Do next rule byte  
B70A CE0024   [ 3] THEN_LOOP  LDX   #FUZ_OUTS     ;Point at fuzzy outputs  
B70D C40F     [ 2]            ANDB  #$0F          ;Save 8 X out # + label #  
B70F 3A       [ 3]            ABX                 ;X points at fuzzy output  
                   * Grade of membership for rule is in A accumulator  
B710 A100     [ 4]            CMPA  0,X           ;Compare to fuzzy output  
B712 2502     [ 3]            BLO   NOT_HIER      ;Branch if not higher  
B714 A700     [ 4]            STAA  0,X           ;Grade is higher so update  
B716 1808     [ 4] NOT_HIER   INY                 ;Adv rule pntr to next byte  
B718 18E600   [ 5]            LDAB  0,Y           ;Get rule byte  
B71B 2AD8     [ 3]            BPL   RULE_TOP      ;If MSB=0 its a new rule  
B71D C1FF     [ 2] CHK_END    CMPB  #$FF          ;Check for end of rules flag  
B71F 26E9     [ 3]            BNE   THEN_LOOP     ;If not FF, it's a then part  

How Rules Relate to a Control Surface

A fuzzy associative matrix (FAM) can be helpful to be sure you are not missing any important rules in your system. Figure 4 shows a FAM for a control system with two inputs, each having three labels. Inside each box you write a label of the system output. In this system there are nine possible rules corresponding to the nine boxes in the FAM. The highlighted box corresponds to the rule "If TEMPERATURE is WARM and PRESSURE is LOW then set HEAT to HIGH". [Fuzzy Associative Matrix]


[1] If temperature is cold and pressure is low then set heat to full
[2] If temperature is warm and pressure is low then set heat to high
[3] If temperature is hot and pressure is low then set heat to medium
[4] If temperature is cold and pressure is medium then set heat to medium
[5] If temperature is warm and pressure is medium then set heat to medium
[6] If temperature is hot and pressure is medium then set heat to low
[7] If temperature is cold and pressure is high then set heat to low
[8] If temperature is warm and pressure is high then set heat to off
[9] If temperature is hot and pressure is high then set heat to off

You can think of the FAM as a very coarse control surface (a view directly down at the control surface from above). Figure 5 shows a more detailed area map of the control surface (again viewed from above). The system in figure 5 has two inputs with only three labels per input. Trapezoidal membership functions have been drawn adjacent to the top and side of the map so you can see overlapping areas where more than one label of an input is partially true at the same time. The numbers in square brackets indicate areas where a single rule governs the output level. The number in the brackets is the rule number for reference (see figure 4). A two in a circle marks an area where two rules are partially true at the same time. A four in a circle marks an area where four rules are partially true at the same time. [Map of Control Surface]

Figure 5. Detail Map of a Control Surface

In the areas where more than one rule contributes to the output level, defuzzification is used to calculate a weighted average of the contributing rules. Figure 6 shows a three dimensional control surface which defines the output control surface for the example system that was shown in figures 4 and 5. The inputs correspond to the axes that form the base of the three dimensional graph and the height of the surface is the output level for the corresponding combination of input values. Keep in mind that the fuzzy inference program only calculates one point on this surface per interval of real time. The complete surface is just an aid to help you understand how the system responds to any combination of input values. [3D Control Surface]

Figure 6. Three Dimensional Control Surface

As the control surface shows, the input to output relationship is precise and constant. Many engineers were initially unwilling to embrace fuzzy logic because of a misconception that the results were not repeatable and approximate. The term fuzzy actually refers to the gradual transitions at set boundaries from false to true.


For the program described in this paper, we use singletons to define output membership functions. A singleton membership function is defined by a single 8-bit value in the knowledge base (a z-axis position). The associated fuzzy outputs provide a weight for each label of the system output. Defuzzification uses the following formula to determine a single z-axis position as the final system output.

Where n is the number of fuzzy outputs associated with this system output, Fi is a weight (fuzzy output value), and Si is a membership function singleton position. The result of this calculation is the z-axis position of the desired output action. Fi and Si are 8-bit values and n is typically 8 or less. This makes the numerator a 19-bit value and the denominator an 11-bit value. Because the numerator and denominator are not independent values, we know the result is an 8-bit value.

The overall effect of defuzzification is to smooth the control surface between points of known height on the control surface. Referring to figure 5, the points where a single rule is acting are known height (the singleton position of the consequent). Listing 3 shows an assembly language routine to perform weighted average defuzzification.

Listing 3. Weighted Average Defuzzification

B721 18CEB680 [ 4] DEFUZ      LDY   #SGLTN_POS    ;Point at 1st output singltn  
B725 CE0024   [ 3]            LDX   #FUZ_OUTS     ;Point at 1st fuzzy output  
B728 7F003B   [ 6]            CLR   COGDEX        ;Loop index runs from 0->1  
B72B C608     [ 2] COG_LOOP   LDAB  #8            ;8 fuzzy outs per COG output  
B72D D73D     [ 3]            STAB  SUMDEX        ;Inner loop runs 8->0  
B72F CC0000   [ 3]            LDD   #$0000        ;Used for quicker clears  
B732 DD36     [ 4]            STD   SUM_OF_FUZ    ;Sum of fuzzy outputs  
B734 DD39     [ 4]            STD   SUM_OF_PROD+1 ;Low 16-bits of sum of prod  
B736 9738     [ 3]            STAA  SUM_OF_PROD   ;Upper 8-bits  
B738 E600     [ 4] SUM_LOOP   LDAB  0,X           ;Get a fuzzy output  
B73A 4F       [ 2]            CLRA                ;Clear upper 8-bits  
B73B D336     [ 5]            ADDD  SUM_OF_FUZ    ;Add to sum of fuzzy outputs  
B73D DD36     [ 4]            STD   SUM_OF_FUZ    ;Update RAM variable  
B73F A600     [ 4]            LDAA  0,X           ;Get fuzzy output again  
B741 18E600   [ 5]            LDAB  0,Y           ;Get Output singleton pos.  
B744 3D       [10]            MUL                 ;Position times weight  
B745 D339     [ 5]            ADDD  SUM_OF_PROD+1 ;Low 16-bits of sum of prod  
B747 DD39     [ 4]            STD   SUM_OF_PROD+1 ;Update low 16-bits  
B749 9638     [ 3]            LDAA  SUM_OF_PROD   ;Upper 8-bits  
B74B 8900     [ 2]            ADCA  #0            ;Add carry from 16-bit add  
B74D 9738     [ 3]            STAA  SUM_OF_PROD   ;Upper 8-bits of 24-bit sum  
B74F 1808     [ 4]            INY                 ;Point at nxt singleton pos.  
B751 08       [ 3]            INX                 ;Point at next fuzzy output  
B752 7A003D   [ 6]            DEC   SUMDEX        ;Inner loop index  
B755 26E1     [ 3]            BNE   SUM_LOOP      ;For all labels this output  
B757 3C       [ 4]            PSHX                ;Save index for now  
B758 4F       [ 2]            CLRA                ;In case divide by zero  
B759 DE36     [ 4]            LDX   SUM_OF_FUZ    ;Denominator for divide  
B75B 2718     [ 3]            BEQ   SAV_OUT       ;Branch if denominator is 0  
B75D 7D0038   [ 6]            TST   SUM_OF_PROD   ;See if more than 16-bit  
B760 2607     [ 3]            BNE   NUM_BIG       ;If not zero, # is > 16-bits  
B762 DC39     [ 4]            LDD   SUM_OF_PROD+1 ;Numerator for divide  
B764 02       [41]            IDIV                ;Result in low 8-bits of X  
B765 8F       [ 3]            XGDX                ;Result now in B  
B766 17       [ 2]            TBA                 ;Move result to A  
B767 200C     [ 3]            BRA   SAV_OUT       ;Go save output  
B769 DC38     [ 4] NUM_BIG    LDD   SUM_OF_PROD   ;Numerator upper 16 of 24  
B76B 7D003A   [ 6]            TST   SUM_OF_PROD+2 ;Check for rounding error  
B76E 2A03     [ 3]            BPL   NO_ROUND      ;If MSB clear, don't round  
B770 C30001   [ 4]            ADDD  #1            ;Round numerator up 1  
B773 03       [41] NO_ROUND   FDIV                ;D/X -> X, use upper 8 of 16  
B774 8F       [ 3]            XGDX                ;Result now in A  


Control systems must provide a proper response to all possible combinations of input values. This response can be displayed as one or more three dimensional control surfaces. For simple linear systems, the control response can be calculated in real time from the current input values. But this approach breaks down when the control system is non-linear or is too complex. There are many examples of such control systems where an expert human operator is able to control the system but attempts to develop automatic controls have failed.

Fuzzy logic provides a new way to accurately express the meaning of subjective sounding linguistic terms such as WARM. This in turn allows us to mathematically calculate control system outputs based on a set of rules provided by an application expert. A general purpose fuzzy inference kernel can be written and used for different applications by providing a different knowledge base for each application. The processing requirements for many embedded control systems based on fuzzy logic are well within the capability of a small 8-bit microcontroller.

Note from the Webmaster:
Some FREEware assemblers are available from this system.

Last updated: May 18, 1996