Easy-Downloader V2.0 for ATMEL
Wichit Sirichote, kswichit@kmitl.ac.th
Build your own a programmer for writing
intel-HEX file to the 89C51, 89C52 and 89C55, PCB file included, Window
version UPLOADER EZ3, EZ3.1
If you need more code space for your application, particularly
for developing 89Cxx projects with C language, the Easy-Downloader V2.0
is the answer. It's suitable and cheap which anyone can build easily. This
version is capable of writing intel-HEX file to a 89C51(4kB), 89C52(8kB)
and 89C55(20kB). After compiling the source file in Assembly or C then
download the hex file to the chip directly by using A:\>ez2 myfirst(.hex),
Figure 1 shows the circuit diagram of Easy-Downloader V2.0.
The 89C51 with ez52.hex receives a 9600 baud serial data from PC and generates
the appropriated signal applying to the ZIF socket. P0 is for bi-directional
data transferring. P1 provides A0-A7, P2.0-P2.6 for A8-A14. Look at A14,
our software uses P2.6, while ATMEL uses P3.0 instead. Programming mode
selection is done by P3.4 to P3.7. See in ez52.c for details. The programming
voltage shown a bit different from version 1.1, Vpp pin needs only +5V
and +12V and simply activated by P3.3. The clock input pin X1 of the ZIF
socket is derived from X2 without buffering. I have tested, no problem
so far.
Figure 1: Circuit Diagram of Easy-Downloader V2.0
Constructing the Board 
The prototype board may be built using universal PCB with
point-to-point soldering. If you want to make a PCB, get the ez2.pcb,
open with Protel version 2.73. The components placement is shown in Figure
2. For those who can make the PCB with PDF file, get this file ez2pcb.pdf
Figure 2: Components Placement Layout
ez52.hex is the hex file firmware
needed for 89C51.
ez52.c is the source program written
in C language for further modification. To recompile, it needs Micro-C
for 8051 compiler from Dunfield Development
ez2.exe is the dos version program
that runs on PC sending the hex code to the Easy-Downloader board.
Example of using ez2 is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Example of Using ez2, DOS version Uploader

Figure 4: Example of Using EZ3 and EZ3.1
Download EZ
Uploader V3.0 for Window As seen in the
V1.1, the EZ UPLOADER V3.0 can also be used with Easy V2.0. Now for
the 89C51, 89C52 and 89C55, there is a signature byte, thus no longer need
to select memory size. The EZ will recognize how big the code memory is.
Just click Send Hexfile, everything will done automatically.
Download EZ
Uploader V3.1 for Window This is beta test
EZ3.1 Uploader, with additional READ and SAVE AS features. The HEX code
resided in the chips can be read and save as an Intel HEX file.
Any bug reports or suggestion of using the Easy-Downloader
V2.0 and EZ Uploader are welcome.
Easy-Downloader V2.0 was designed by W.Sirichote. EZ52.C
was also written by W.Sirichote.
EZ2.exe, EZ Uploader V3.0 and V3.1 were written by S.Charoenruaywattana.Special
thanks to Jaroon Keawkhrua for an hour drawing the circuit shown in Figure
1. PCB file was prepared by my student, Wisut Ua-anant.
Easy2 Links
PROG8252 : Atmel AT89S8252
in-system programming via PC printer port
EasyPROG : Modified version of
Easy-Downloader made by Francisco Barbosa
Your Own uC Projects
last updated 28 October 2542