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Code Locking

Code locking is done at the function call level and guarantees that a function executes entirely under the protection of a lock. The assumption is that all access to data is done through functions. Functions that share data should execute under the same lock.

Some parallel programming languages provide a construct called a monitor that implicitly does code locking for functions that are defined within the scope of the monitor. A monitor can also be implemented by a mutex lock.

Functions under the protection of the same mutex lock or within the same monitor are guaranteed to execute atomically with respect to each other.

Data Locking

Data locking guarantees that access to a collection of data is maintained consistently. For data locking, the concept of locking code is still there, but code locking is around references to shared (global) data, only. For a mutual exclusion locking protocol, only one thread can be in the critical section for each collection of data.

Alternatively, in a multiple readers, single writer protocol, several readers can be allowed for each collection of data or one writer. Multiple threads can execute in a single module when they operate on different data collections and do not conflict on a single collection for the multiple readers, single writer protocol. So, data locking typically allows more concurrency than does code locking.

What strategy should you use when using locks (whether implemented with mutexes, condition variables, or semaphores) in a program? Should you try to achieve maximum parallelism by locking only when necessary and unlocking as soon as possible (fine-grained locking)? Or should you hold locks for long periods to minimize the overhead of taking and releasing them (coarse-grained locking)?

The granularity of the lock depends on the amount of data it protects. A very coarse-grained lock might be a single lock to protect all data. Dividing how the data is protected by the appropriate number of locks is very important. Too fine a grain of locking can degrade performance. The overhead associated with acquiring and releasing locks can become significant when there are too many locks.

The common wisdom is to start with a coarse-grained approach, identify bottlenecks, and add finer-grained locking where necessary to alleviate the bottlenecks. This is reasonably sound advice, but use your own judgment about finding the balance between maximizing parallelism and minimizing lock overhead.


For both code locking and data locking, invariants are important to control locking complexity. An invariant is a condition or relation that is always true.

The definition is modified somewhat for concurrent execution: an invariant is a condition or relation that is true when the associated lock is being set. Once the lock is set, the invariant can be false. However, the code holding the lock must reestablish the invariant before releasing the lock.

An invariant can also be a condition or relation that is true when a lock is being set. Condition variables can be thought of as having an invariant that is the condition.

Example 9-4 Testing the Invariant With assert(3X)


The assert() statement is testing the invariant. The cond_wait() function does not preserve the invariant, which is why the invariant must be reevaluated when the thread returns.

Another example is a module that manages a doubly linked list of elements. For each item on the list a good invariant is the forward pointer of the previous item on the list that should also point to the same thing as the backward pointer of the forward item.

Assume this module uses code-based locking and therefore is protected by a single global mutex lock. When an item is deleted or added the mutex lock is acquired, the correct manipulation of the pointers is made, and the mutex lock is released. Obviously, at some point in the manipulation of the pointers the invariant is false, but the invariant is reestablished before the mutex lock is released.

Avoiding Deadlock

Deadlock is a permanent blocking of a set of threads that are competing for a set of resources. Just because some thread can make progress does not mean that there is not a deadlock somewhere else.

The most common error causing deadlock is self deadlock or recursive deadlock: a thread tries to acquire a lock it is already holding. Recursive deadlock is very easy to program by mistake.

For example, if a code monitor has every module function grabbing the mutex lock for the duration of the call, then any call between the functions within the module protected by the mutex lock immediately deadlocks. If a function calls some code outside the module which, through some circuitous path, calls back into any method protected by the same mutex lock, then it will deadlock too.

The solution for this kind of deadlock is to avoid calling functions outside the module when you don't know whether they will call back into the module without reestablishing invariants and dropping all module locks before making the call. Of course, after the call completes and the locks are reacquired, the state must be verified to be sure the intended operation is still valid.

An example of another kind of deadlock is when two threads, thread 1 and thread 2, each acquires a mutex lock, A and B, respectively. Suppose that thread 1 tries to acquire mutex lock B and thread 2 tries to acquire mutex lock A. Thread 1 cannot proceed and it is blocked waiting for mutex lock B. Thread 2 cannot proceed and it is blocked waiting for mutex lock A. Nothing can change, so this is a permanent blocking of the threads, and a deadlock.

This kind of deadlock is avoided by establishing an order in which locks are acquired (a lock hierarchy). When all threads always acquire locks in the specified order, this deadlock is avoided.

Adhering to a strict order of lock acquisition is not always optimal. When thread 2 has many assumptions about the state of the module while holding mutex lock B, giving up mutex lock B to acquire mutex lock A and then reacquiring mutex lock B in order would cause it to discard its assumptions and reevaluate the state of the module.

The blocking synchronization primitives usually have variants that attempt to get a lock and fail if they cannot, such as mutex_trylock(). This allows threads to violate the lock hierarchy when there is no contention. When there is contention, the held locks must usually be discarded and the locks reacquired in order.

Deadlocks Related to Scheduling

Because there is no guaranteed order in which locks are acquired, a problem in threaded programs is that a particular thread never acquires a lock, even though it seems that it should.

This usually happens when the thread that holds the lock releases it, lets a small amount of time pass, and then reacquires it. Because the lock was released, it might seem that the other thread should acquire the lock. But, because nothing blocks the thread holding the lock, it continues to run from the time it releases the lock until it reacquires the lock, and so no other thread is run.

You can usually solve this type of problem by calling thr_yield(3THR) just before the call to reacquire the lock. This allows other threads to run and to acquire the lock.

Because the time-slice requirements of applications are so variable, the threads library does not impose any. Use calls to thr_yield() to make threads share time as you require.

Locking Guidelines

Here are some simple guidelines for locking.

  • Try not to hold locks across long operations like I/O where performance can be adversely affected.

  • Don't hold locks when calling a function that is outside the module and that might reenter the module.

  • In general, start with a coarse-grained approach, identify bottlenecks, and add finer-grained locking where necessary to alleviate the bottlenecks. Most locks are held for short amounts of time and contention is rare, so fix only those locks that have measured contention.

  • When using multiple locks, avoid deadlocks by making sure that all threads acquire the locks in the same order.

Following Some Basic Guidelines

  • Know what you are importing and whether it is safe.

    A threaded program cannot arbitrarily enter nonthreaded code.

  • Threaded code can safely refer to unsafe code only from the initial thread.

    This ensures that the static storage associated with the initial thread is used only by that thread.

  • Sun-supplied libraries are assumed to be unsafe unless explicitly documented as safe.

    If a reference manual entry does not state explicitly that an interface is MT-Safe, you should assume that the interface is unsafe.

  • Use compilation flags to manage binary incompatible source changes. (See Chapter 7, Compiling and Debugging, for complete instructions.)

    • -D_REENTRANT enables multithreading with the -lthread library.

    • -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE with -lpthread gives POSIX threads behavior.

    • -D_POSIX_PTHREADS_SEMANTICS with -lthread gives both Solaris threads and pthreads interfaces with a preference given to the POSIX interfaces when the two interfaces conflict.

  • When making a library safe for multithreaded use, do not thread global process operations.

    Do not change global operations (or actions with global side effects) to behave in a threaded manner. For example, if file I/O is changed to per-thread operation, threads cannot cooperate in accessing files.

    For thread-specific behavior, or thread cognizant behavior, use thread facilities. For example, when the termination of main() should terminate only the thread that is exiting main(), the end of main() should be:

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