Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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ONC+ Developer's Guide

  1.  Introduction to ONC+ Technologies
  2.  Introduction to TI-RPC
  3.  rpcgen Programming Guide
What Is rpcgen?
SunOS 9 Software Environment Features
rpcgen Tutorial
Converting Local Procedures to Remote Procedures
Passing Complex Data Structures
Preprocessing Directives
cpp Directive
Compile-Time Flags
Compile-Time Client and Server Templates
Compile-Time C-style Mode
Compile-Time MT-Safe Code
Compile-Time MT Auto Mode
Compile-Time TI-RPC or TS-RPC Library Selection
Compile-Time ANSI C-compliant Code
Compile-Time xdr_inline() Count
rpcgen Programming Techniques
Network Types/Transport Selection
Command-Line Define Statements
Server Response to Broadcast Calls
Port Monitor Support
Time-out Changes
Client Authentication
Dispatch Tables
64-Bit Considerations for rpcgen
IPv6 Considerations for rpcgen
Debugging Applications
  4.  Programmer's Interface to RPC
  5.  Advanced RPC Programming Techniques
  6.  Porting From TS-RPC to TI-RPC
  7.  Multithreaded RPC Programming
  8.  Extensions to the Sun RPC Library
  9.  NIS+ Programming Guide
  A.  XDR Technical Note
  B.  RPC Protocol and Language Specification
  C.  XDR Protocol Specification
  D.  RPC Code Examples
  E.  portmap Utility
  F.  Writing a Port Monitor With the Service Access Facility (SAF)