Proposed Extreme changes.

'john heasley' heas at
Tue Oct 16 03:24:40 UTC 2001

Mon, Oct 15, 2001 at 03:58:12PM -0700, Alex Bochannek:
> Did you update the image on your server with this new clogin?

i just have, 2.2b8.  i know that collection of extreme fails if the
config has been changed but not saved.  have not worked that out yet.


        add PAR_COUNT variable to bin/env for adjusting the number of
        simultaneous collections.  see bin/env (or bin/ for those with
        previous installation) and the env(5) manpage.

        more work on extreme switch bits + fixes from Alex Bochannek.

        jlogin: add 1s sleeps to avoid passwords being echo'd before tty noecho
        is set.  richard doty

        few looking glass fixes

        brancid: filter uptime and add -all option to config for bayrs version
        14.  from mordechai abzug

        jrancid: m160 measured chassis clock MHz fluctuates, trim the
        decimal places.  from Mark A Gebert.

        par: -x fix for log file monitoring killing xterms.  from rdrake.

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