john heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Thu Oct 18 16:30:09 UTC 2001

Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 09:19:11AM -0700, David Williamson:
> On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 09:09:07AM -0700, john heasley wrote:
> > > An option to not strip the passwords would also be useful, although I
> > 
> > is this something folks really want?
> Having suggested it, I'd admit that I'm not certain it's what I want.
> I have some network gear that's not currently watched by rancid.  Some of
> that gear is so far out of production that I really don't care about
> tracking actual config changes.  It would be nice to have a repository
> of those configs, however, for disaster recovery.  And for that, it
> would be nice to have the whole config, intact, including passwords.
> This hasn't bitten me with the access or enable passwords, but having
> the tacacs+ key stripped out has bitten me a couple of times during a
> recovery.  It would probably be ideal if there was an option to encrypt
> rancid's output, rather than stripping anything our of the config.
> Of course, the key would probably have to go into .cloginrc, which defeats
> the point.  There's probably not a better solution to this problem than
> simply stripping the passwords, as is done now.

suppose it might be possible to strip them only for the diff mail.  think
that might be a pita, needing to be generic.

> Sorry to ramble on, but I'm really on the fence on this topic.  Sometimes
> I think it would be nice to have everything directly in the stored config.
> Other times I think it's very very good to not have the passwords exposed.
> For those who don't know why it's a good thing to keep the passwords
> stripped, here's a perl script to decrypt your console and tty passwords:
> perl -ne 'if (/^(.* password )7 ([0-9A-F]*)$/) { print $1; $enc = substr("dsfd;k
> foA,.iyewrkldJKDHSUB",substr($2,0,2)); $pw = substr($2,2); foreach $i (0 .. (len
> gth($pw)/2)-1) { print pack("c",hex(substr($pw,$i*2,2))^unpack("c",substr($enc,$
> i,1))); } print "\n"; } else { print; }'
> It's that easy.  (Okay, I got that from someone..I don't speak perl that
> well. :)

cisco has added md5 pwds for local username configs to recent S images and,
of course, enable has had md5 option for quite some time.  i dont believe
this was done for ttys.

shaggy(config)#user foo sec ?
  0     Specifies an UNENCRYPTED secret will follow
  5     Specifies a HIDDEN secret will follow
  LINE  The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) user secret

> Hmm...what to do...what to do....
> -David

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