HP 4100 switch not being collected

Chris Gallardo wcgallar at iupui.edu
Wed Dec 28 16:54:59 UTC 2005

I'm using rancid to collect the configs of hp 4100 on the Indinaa
univeristy campus.  Most of the configs are being collected except a few
and I have used hlogin as well as hrancid -dl to test as to why these
switches are not being collected both came up fine and i was able to
generate a .new file when using hrancid.  I do get this error though End of run not found End of run not found
/usr/bin/tail: `-1' option is obsolete; use `-n 1' since this will be
removed in the future

which doesn't come up when i use hrancid -dl on a switch that is being
collected correctly.


Chris Gallardo
Network Services

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