[rancid] config repository tools?

null yathrib yathrib.public at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 01:11:35 UTC 2007

Not a Rancid question, but I was wondering if there were any good
tools to use with the repository of offline configs.  Yes, grep + awk
are old staples, but  was wondering if anyone had other suggestions.

There was RAT  (http://unix.freshmeat.net/projects/routeraudittool) to
do some audits via a shell script.

I've looked at Cisco::Reconfig
(http://search.cpan.org/dist/Cisco-Reconfig) to do things like the
below.  Anyone have recipes using it they're interested in sharing?

use Cisco::Reconfig;

for (@ARGV) {
    my $config = Cisco::Reconfig::readconfig($_);

    # Get ip helper-addresses since we can't retrieve these all via SNMP
    for my $int ( $config->get( 'interface' )->all ) {
        my @helpers = $int->get('ip helper-address')->all;
        if ( $helpers[0] ) {
            print $int;
            for my $helper ( @helpers ) {
                print $helper;

Any other suggestions or pointers appreciated.


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