[rancid] Can RANCID compare running and startup configs for differences?

heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Mon Aug 27 16:40:06 UTC 2012

Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 02:04:37PM +0000, Jason Lewis:
> After a recent audit, we need RANCID to be able to alert us if the running and startup config on a device are out of sync.  I've been through the scripts in 2.3.2 to see if there's anything in there to handle that, and all I see is a prompt check in clogin, which won't do any good on most Cisco devices since it doesn't display any prompt for unsaved changes.
> Has anyone seen a module/customization to do this, or is there a feature that I've missed in RANCID?

assuming you are not generating configs, why don't you just save the config
	for router in ~rancid/*/router.db
		clogin -c 'write mem' router

more to it, but the general idea.

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