[rancid] rancid finding changes that do not exist

heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Tue Mar 24 15:09:11 UTC 2015

Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 08:29:09AM +0100, Simen Stavdal:
> Thanks for the suggestion. Added the variables to rancid.conf and ran it
> again.
> It produced the same messages in the log file.

i believe terry is responding to a different issue.

> Funny thing. I tried to install rancid3.1, and it worked flawlessly with
> the same version of Perl.
> Then i tried to go back to 3.2 and the same thing again.

I've already replied to you about this, but for other's edification; the
Socket.pm dependency did not appear until 3.2.  I do not understand the
problem that you had updating Socket.pm, but suspect that something was
not updated properly by Socket's install process or you have multiple
perl installations.  I tested updating Socket.pm and it worked.

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