[rancid] Random white space when fetching configuration from MRV devices / why not switching off paging?

Christian Rohmann crohmann at netcologne.de
Wed Apr 20 09:19:34 UTC 2016

Hey rancid-discuss,

I am using RANCID 3.4.1 to fetch configuration off of MRV devices of models:

 OptiSwitch 904
 OptiSwitch 906G
 OptiSwitch 912C
 OptiSwitch 940

I am seeing random noise with white space / indentation in front of
configuration lines:

-  contact "removed"
-           location removed
+           contact "removed"
+  location removed

This is happening all over the config, not just at

1) I am wondering why a command

 send -h "terminal length 0\r"

is send in mrvlogin even though (at least my devices) don't unserstand it.

2) I tried to "optimize" / fix this by changing it to

 send -h "no cli-paging \r"

but then the prompt or the end of the command is not recognized anymore
:-( So more work is necessary. But since "no cli-paging" was tried
before the intention to not use any paging was there.

Has any1 here played with MRV devices and would like to join in trying
to properly fix this?



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