[rancid] Juniper 'last commit' + Fortigate whitespace + DB

doug.hughes at keystonenap.com doug.hughes at keystonenap.com
Sat Sep 30 01:50:24 UTC 2017

Sent from my android device.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Wopat <me at falz.net>
To: rancid-discuss at shrubbery.net
Sent: Fri, 29 Sep 2017 17:52
Subject: [rancid] Juniper 'last commit' + Fortigate whitespace + DB

Hey folks, 

We recently updated to 3.7, a few comments/questions. 

>* Juniper was updated to ignore 'last committed by' line. Changelog says 'useless last commit config line'. Curious what others think about this. We think it's
> quite valuable and is a nice way help correlate changes to accounts that made the change. For now we've manually restored it, which is easy enough.

this sounds reasonable to me.

>* We see the 'show chassis firmware' line come and go on some devices. This happened prior to 3.7 as well. This has been witnessed on MX running 15.1,
> QFX running 14.1X53-D45, and possibly other devices. 
>+ # show chassis firmware

sounds like a race in the expect matching.

>* Fortigate suggestion: We manually add this to fnrancid still in GetSystem to keep the chatter down. This was previously mentioned in this thread as well: http://www.shrubbery.net/pipermail/rancid-discuss/2017-June/009643.html, curious if others would like to see these added as well. 
> next if (/^\s*IPS-ETDB: .*/);
> next if (/^\s*APP-DB: .*/);
>next if (/^\s*IPS Malicious URL Database: .*/);
>next if (/^\s*Botnet DB: .*/);

 Sounds like a good contribution.

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