[rancid] arcos End of run not found

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Fri May 27 20:32:20 UTC 2022

$ freebsd-version 
$ rancid --version
/usr/local/libexec/rancid/rancid version 3.13 calling Getopt::Std::getopts (version 1.12 [paranoid]),
running under Perl version 5.32.1.

$ grep r2.sea $HOME/var/psgnet/router.db 

logging in seems to work
$ clogin r2.sea.rg.net
spawn ssh -x -l rancid r2.sea.rg.net
ARCOS (c) Arrcus, Inc.
rancid at r2.sea.rg.net's password: 
Welcome to the ArcOS CLI
rancid connected from using ssh on r2.sea
rancid at r2.sea# 
rancid at r2.sea# q
Connection to r2.sea.rg.net closed.

but getting config does not
$ rancid -d -t arcos r2.sea.rg.net
loadtype: device type arcos
loadtype: found device type arcos at /usr/local/etc/rancid/rancid.types.base:57
executing xilogin -t 90 -c"show version;show hardware | notab;show running-config" r2.sea.rg.net
PROMPT MATCH: rancid at r2.sea#
HIT COMMAND:rancid at r2.sea#  show version
    In ShowVersion: rancid at r2.sea#  show version
HIT COMMAND:rancid at r2.sea# show hardware | notab
    In ShowVersion: rancid at r2.sea# show hardware | notab
r2.sea.rg.net: End of run not found
r2.sea.rg.net: clean_run is false
r2.sea.rg.net: found_end is false

`show run | tail` yields
 acl-entry 104
  ipv6 source-address ::/0
  ipv6 destination-address ::/0
  actions forwarding-action ACCEPT

maybe it does not like the final bang?  maybe it meant to pipe a command
to `| nomore`?


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