[tac_plus] A question concerning the availability of the tac_plus complete command reference chart

heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Thu Jul 10 14:57:09 UTC 2014

Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 02:16:38PM +0200, Bartlomiej Kos:
> I have already had some success establishing a working environment with
> your server using the version available in the standard 7.5.0 Debian Wheezy
> package repository, but would like to get the most from your server, so
> that my users could enjoy a seamless working environment. Unfortunately, I
> have found out the hard way that the decumentation concerning your server's
> configuration directives is rather scarce, and even though the manpages do
> offer some command reference, the server configuration is mostly a
> trial-and-error process. I believe that if I had a complete command
> reference chart at hand I could do a better job with configuring the
> server, and so I would like to ask you if such a chart is available. If it
> is, could you point me the way to it, or tell me what I should do to obtain
> one?

Thats a fair cop.  But, it appears that the version in Debian is,
which is rather old.  I believe documentation has been improved since then.
Download and see the manpage and the user_guide file.

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