DMI Command Line Utilities
7.1 DMI Command Line Utilities Overview
The Desktop Management Interface(DMI) Protocol command line interface consists of two utilities that retrieve DMI Service Provider (SP) information:
7.1.1 The dmi_cmd Utility
The dmi_cmd utility provides the ability to:
Obtain version information about the DMI SP
Set the configuration to describe the language required by the management application
Obtain the configuration information describing the current language in use for the session
Install components into the database
List components in a system to determine what is installed
Delete an existing component from the database
Install group schemas to an existing component in the database
List class names for all groups in a component
List the groups within a component
Delete a group from a component
Install a language schema for an existing component in the database
List the set of language mappings installed for a specified component
Delete a specific language mapping for a component
List properties for one or more attributes in a group
7.1.2 The dmiget Utility
The dmiget utility retrieves the table information of a specific component in the DMI SP.
7.2 Using the dmi_cmd Command
dmi_cmd [-s hostname] -h | -V | -W config | -X | -CI mif_filename | -CL [-c compId] [-r reqMode] [-d] [-p] [-m maxCount] | -CD -c compId | -GI schema_filename -c compId | -GL -c compId -g groupId [-r reqMode] [-d] [-p] [-m maxCount] | -GM -c compId [-m maxCount] | -GD -c compId -g groupId | -NI schema_filename -c compId | -NL -c compId | -ND -c compId -l language_string | -AL -c compId -g groupId [-a attrId] [-r reqMode] [-d] [-p] [-m maxCount] |
The command line arguments for dmi_cmd are shown in Table 7-1.
Table 7-1 dmi_cmd Command Line Arguments
Argument | Description |
-s hostname | Specifies the host machine that dmisp is running on; the default host is the local host |
-h | Prints usage information |
-V | Retrieves version information about the DMI SP |
-W config | Sets the configuration specified in config to dmisp |
-X | Retrieves configuration information describing the current language in use |
-CI mif_filename | Installs the component specified in mif_filename |
-CL [-c compId] [-r reqMode] [-d] [-p] [-m maxCount] | Lists components |
-CD -c compId | Deletes the component specified by compId |
-GI schema_filename -c compId | Installs the group schema specified in schema_filename |
-GL -c compId -g groupId [-r reqMode] [-d] [-p] [-m maxCount] | Lists the groups for a specified component |
-GM -c compId [-m maxCount] | Lists class names for a specified component |
-GD -c compId -g groupId | Deletes specified groups for a specified component |
-NI schema_filename -c compId | Installs the language schema specified in schema_filename |
-NL -c compId | Lists language mappings for a specified component |
-ND -c compId -l language_string | Deletes language mapping for a specified component |
-AL -c compId -g groupId [-a attrId] [-r reqMode] [-d] [-p] [-m maxCount] | Lists attributes for a specified component |
Note - The values for compId, groupId, attrId, and maxCount are positive integers. The default value is 0.
The valid integer values for reqMode are:
Note - The default value for reqMode is 1 (DMI_UNIQUE). If an invalid reqMode is specified, the default value is used.
When listing components (-CL), groups (-GL), or attributes (-AL), use the -d option to display descriptions and the -p option to display the pragma string.