2.2.4 SUNWmibii
The SUNWmibii package contains the mibiisa MIB II subagent. The subagent provides MIB II functionality. The functionality provided by MIB II subagent is the same as that provided by the snmpd agent released with Domain Manager.
2.2.5 SUNWsasdk
This package contains SNMP Toolkit and the DMI Toolkit to build the subagents.
SNMP Toolkit contains:
Header files
Standard MIB files
Sample MIB and Example Code
DMI Toolkit includes:
miftomib compiler
Sample files for CI and MI
2.3 Installation Procedure
Packages are installed using the pkgadd command and are removed by the pkgrm command.
Note - The snmpXdmid must be configured properly in the Master Agent configuration files.
2.3.1 Remove Existing Packages
Caution - Before starting your installation procedure, be sure you log
in as root. Then follow the procedures below.
If these packages don't exist, you don't have to remove them.
2.3.2 Add New Packages
With the addition of each package, you receive both the English and French copyrights, then a series of prompts that you can either answer specifically or accept the default.
Add SUNWmibii:
pkgadd -d . SUNWmibii
Add SUNWsasnm:
pkgadd -d . SUNWsasnm
Add SUNWsadmi:
pkgadd -d . SUNWsadmi
Add SUNWsacom:
pkgadd -d . SUNWsacom
Add SUNWsasdk
pkgadd -d . SUNWsasdk
When you add the SUNWsadmi package, the dmispd and snmpXdmid processes start upon reboot of the system.
The SUNWsacom package consists of two script files; init.dmi and init.snmpdx. The SNMP daemon, snmpdx, is invoked by init.snmpdx. The snmpdx process automatically starts the mibiisa daemon.
The dmispd process is invoked through the RC script files when the system is booted, as is snmpdx. The snmpXdmid mapper process is invoked after the dmispd has been invoked.
Note - When deleting or adding packages, be sure you follow the order described above.
2.4 SNMP Default Software Locations
Table 2-1 shows a list of default software locations within SNMP.
Table 2-1 Default SNMP Locations
Label | Directory |
SEA_SNMPLibrary_Directory | /usr/lib |
SEA_SNMPConfiguration_Directory | /etc/snmp/conf |
SEA_SNMPMibs_Directory | /var/snmp/mib |
Table 2-2 provides the list of SNMP component names and their default locations.
Table 2-2 SNMP Package Components
Component Name | Label/Directory | Description |
snmpdx | /usr/lib/snmp | Master Agent executable |
mibiisa | /usr/lib/snmp | MIB II snmp daemonpwd |
snmp_trapsend | /usr/sbin | Utility for sending traps |
mibcodegen | /usr/bin | Code generator executable |
snmpdx.rsrc | SEA_SNMPConfiguration_Directory | Master Agent resource file |
snmpdx.reg | SEA_SNMPConfiguration_Directory | Registration file for agents |
snmpdx.acl | SEA_SNMPConfiguration_Directory | Master Agent access control file |
snmpd.conf | SEA_SNMPConfiguration_Directory | SNMPD configuration file |
mibiisa.reg | SEA_SNMPConfiguration_Directory | MIB II subagent registration file |
mibiisa.rsrc | SEA_SNMPConfiguration_Directory | MIB II agent resource file |
snmpdx.st | SEA_SNMPRun_Time_Directory | Master Agent status file |
libssasnmp.so.1 | SEA_SNMPLibrary_Directory | SSA SDK SNMP library |
libssagent.so.1 | SEA_SNMPLibrary_Directory | SSA SDK Agent library |
enterprises.oid | SEA_SNMPConfiguration_Directory | Default enterprise-name OID map |
sun.mib | SEA_SNMPMibs_Directory | Sun MIB |
snmpdx.mib | SEA_SNMPMibs_Directory | Snmpdx MIB |