Options and Arguments for the ufsdump Command
This section describes in detail the options and arguments for the ufsdump command. The syntax for the ufsdump command is as follows:
/usr/sbin/ufsdump options arguments filenames |
options | Is a single string of one-letter option names. |
arguments | Identifies option arguments and might be multiple strings. The option letters and the arguments that go with them must be in the same order. |
filenames | Identifies the files to back up. These arguments must always come last. |
Default ufsdump Options
If you run the ufsdump command without any options, use this syntax:
# ufsdump filenames |
The ufsdump command uses these options and arguments, by default:
ufsdump 9uf /dev/rmt/0 filenames |
These options do a level 9 incremental backup to the default tape drive at its preferred density.
Options for the ufsdump Command
The following table describes the options for the ufsdump command.
Table 49-1 Options for the ufsdump Command
Option | Description |
0-9 | Dump level. Level 0 is for a full backup of the complete file system that is specified by filenames. Levels 1-9 are for incremental backups of files that have changed since the last lower-level backup. |
a archive-file | Archive file. Stores (archives) a backup table of contents in a specified file on the disk. The file can be understood only by the ufsrestore command, which uses it to determine whether a file to be restored is present in a backup file, and if so, on which volume of the media it resides. |
b factor | Blocking factor. Specifies the number of 512-byte blocks to write to tape at a time. |
c | Cartridge. Back up to cartridge tape. When end-of-media detection applies, this option sets the block size to 126. |
d bpi | Tape density. Use this option only when the ufsdump command cannot detect the end of the media. |
D | Diskette. Backs up to diskette. |
f dump-file | Dump file. Writes the files to the destination that is specified by dump-file instead of the default device. If the file is specified as user@system:device, the ufsdump command attempts to execute as the specified user on the remote system. The specified user must have a /.rhosts file on the remote system that allows the user who is invoking the command on the local system to access the remote system. |
l | Autoload. Use this option if you have an autoloading (stackloader) tape drive. When the end of a tape is reached, this option takes the drive offline and waits up to two minutes for the tape drive to be ready again. If the drive is ready within two minutes, it continues. If the drive is not ready after two minutes, it prompts the operator to load another tape. |
n | Notify. When intervention is needed, this option sends a message to all terminals of all users in the sys group. |
o | Offline. When finished with a tape or diskette, this option takes the drive offline, rewinds (if tape), and if possible removes the media (for example, ejects a diskette or removes an 8-mm autoloaded tape). |
s size | Size. Specifies the length of tapes in feet or for diskettes, the number of 1024-byte blocks. Use this option only when the ufsdump command cannot detect the end of the media. |
S | Estimates the size of the backup. Determines the amount of space that is needed to perform the backup, without actually doing it, and outputs a single number that indicates the estimated size of the backup in bytes. |
t tracks | Tracks. Specifies the number of tracks for a 1/4-inch cartridge tape. Use this option only when the ufsdump command cannot detect the end of the media. |
u | Updates the dump record. A completed backup of a file system adds an entry to the /etc/dumpdates file. The entry indicates the device name for the file system's disk slice, the dump level (0-9), and the date. No record is written when you do not use the u option or when you back up individual files or directories. If a record already exists for a backup at the same level, it is replaced. |
v | Verify. After each tape or diskette is written, verifies the contents of the media against the source file system. If any discrepancies occur, prompts the operator to mount new media, then repeats the process. Use this option only on an unmounted file system, because any activity in the file system causes the ufsdump command to report discrepancies. |
w | Warning. Lists the file systems that appear in the /etc/dumpdates file that have not been backed up within a day. When you use this option, all other options are ignored. |
W | Warning with highlight. Shows all the file systems that appear in the /etc/dumpdates file and highlights those file systems that have not been backed up within a day. When you use this option, all other options are ignored. |
Note - The /etc/vfstab file does not contain information about how often to back up a file system.
The ufsdump Command and Security Issues
If you are concerned about security, you should do the following:
Require root access for the ufsdump command.
Ensure root access entries are removed from /.rhosts files on clients and servers if doing centralized backups.
For general information on security, see System Administration Guide: Security Services.
Options and Arguments for the ufsrestore Command
The syntax of the ufsrestore command is:
ufsrestore options arguments filenames |
options | Is a single string of one-letter option names. You must choose one and only one of these options: i, r, R, t, or x. The additional options listed in Table 49-3 are optional. |
arguments | Follows the option string with the arguments that match the options. The option letters and the arguments that go with them must be in the same order. |
filenames | Specifies the files to be restored as arguments to the x or t options. These arguments must always come last. |
You must use one (and only one) of the ufsrestore command options shown in the following table.
Table 49-2 One Required Option for the ufsrestore Command
Option | Description |
i | Interactive. Runs the ufsrestore command in an interactive mode. In this mode, you can use a limited set of shell-like commands to browse the contents of the media and select individual files or directories to restore. For a list of interactive commands, see Table 49-4. |
r | Recursive. Restores the entire contents of the media into the current working directory (which should be the top level of the file system). Information used to restore incremental dumps on top of the full dump (for example, restoresymtable) is also included. To completely restore a file system, use this option to restore the full (level 0) dump and each subsequent incremental dump. Although this option is intended for a new file system (that was just created with the newfs command), files not on the backup media are preserved. |
R | Resume restoring. Prompts for the volume from which to resume restoring and restarts from a checkpoint. You rerun the ufsrestore command with this option after a full restore (r option) is interrupted. |
x [filenames]
| Extract. Selectively restores the files you specify by the filenames argument. filenames can be a list of files and directories. All files under a specified directory are restored unless you also use the h option. If you omit filenames or enter "." for the root directory, all files on all volumes of the media (or from standard input) are restored. Existing files are overwritten, and warnings are displayed. |
t [filenames] | Table of contents. Checks the files that are specified in the filenames argument against the media. For each file, lists the full file name and the inode number (if the file is found) or indicates that the file is not on the "volume" (meaning any volume in a multivolume dump). If you do not enter the filenames argument, all files on all volumes of the media are listed (without distinguishing on which volume files are located). If you also use the h option, only the directory files that are specified in filenames, not their contents, are checked and listed. The table of contents is read from the first volume of the media, or, if you use the a option, from the specified archive file. This option is mutually exclusive with the x and r options. |
Additional ufsrestore options are described in the following table.
Table 49-3 Additional Options for the ufsrestore Command
Option | Description |
a archive-file [filenames] | Takes the dump table of contents from the specified archive-file instead of from the media (first volume). You can use this option in combination with the t, i, or x options to see if files are on the media without having to mount any media. If you use it with the x and interactive extract options, you are prompted to mount the appropriate volume before extracting the file(s). |
b factor | Blocking factor. Specifies number of 512-byte blocks read from tape at a time. By default, the ufsrestore command tries to figure out the block size that was used in writing the tape. |
d | Debug. Turns on debugging messages. |
f backup-file | Backup file. Reads the files from the source indicated by backup-file, instead of from the default device file /dev/rmt/0m. If you use the f option, you must specify a value for backup-file. When backup-file is of the form system:device, the ufsrestore command reads from the remote device. You can also use the backup-file argument to specify a file on a local or remote disk. If backup-file is `-', the files are read from standard input. |
h | Turns off directory expansion. Only the directory file you specify is extracted or listed. |
m | Restores specified files into the current directory on the disk regardless of where they are located in the backup hierarchy and renames them with their inode number. For example, if the current working directory is /files, a file in the backup named ./dready/fcs/test with inode number 42, is restored as /files/42. This option is useful only when you are extracting a few files. |
s n | Skips to the nth backup file on the media (first volume). This option is useful when you put more than one backup on a single tape. |
v | Verbose. Displays the names and inode numbers of each file as it is restored. |
y | Continues when errors occur while reading the media and tries to skip over bad blocks instead of stopping and asking whether to continue. This option tells the command to assume a yes response. |
The following table describes ufsrestore's interactive commands.
Table 49-4 Commands for Interactive Restore
Option | Description |
ls [directory-name] | Lists the contents of either the current directory or the specified directory. Directories are marked by a / suffix. Entries in the current list to be restored (extracted) are marked by an * prefix. Inode numbers are shown if the verbose option is used. |
cd directory-name | Changes to the specified directory in the backup hierarchy. |
add [filename] | Adds the current directory or the specified file or directory to the list of files to extract (restore). If you do not use the h option, all files in a specified directory and its subdirectories are added to the list. All the files you want to restore to a directory might not be on a single backup tape or diskette. You might need to restore from multiple backups at different levels to get the latest versions of all the files. |
delete [filename] | Deletes the current directory or the specified file or directory from the list of files to extract (restore). If you do not use the h option, all files in the specified directory and its subdirectories are deleted from the list. The files and directories are deleted only from the extract list you are building. They are not deleted from the media or the file system. |
extract | Extracts the files in the list and restores them relative to the current working directory on the disk. Specify 1 when you are asked for a volume number for a single-volume backup. If you are doing a multitape or multidiskette restore and restoring a small number of files, start with the last tape or diskette instead. |
help | Displays a list of commands you can use in interactive mode. |
pwd | Displays the path name of the current working directory in the backup hierarchy. |
q | Quits interactive mode without restoring any additional files. |
setmodes | Lets you set the mode for files to be restored to match the mode of the root directory of the file system from which they were backed up. You are prompted with: set owner/mode for '.' [yn]? Type y (for yes) to set the mode (permissions, owner, times) of the current directory to match the root directory of the file system from which they were backed up. Use this mode when you restore a complete file system. Type n (for no) to leave the mode of the current directory unchanged. Use this mode when you restore part of a backup to a directory other than the directory from which the files were backed up. |
verbose | Turns on or off the verbose option (which can also be entered as v on the command line outside of interactive mode). When verbose is on, the interactive ls command lists inode numbers and the ufsrestore command displays information on each file as it is extracted. |
what | Displays the backup header from the tape or diskette. |