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28.  Using USB Devices (Overview/Tasks) Hot-Plugging USB Devices With the cfgadm Command How to Display USB Device Information  Previous   Contents   Next 

How to Unconfigure a USB Device

You can unconfigure a USB device that is still physically connected to the system, but a driver will never attach to it. After the USB device is unconfigured, the device is visible in the prtconf output.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Unconfigure the USB device.

    # # cfgadm -c unconfigure usb0/4.7
    Unconfigure the device: /devices/pci@8,700000/usb@5,3/hub@4:4.7
    This operation will suspend activity on the USB device
    Continue (yes/no)? y
  3. Verify that the device is unconfigured.

    # cfgadm  
    Ap_Id                       Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition
    usb0/4.5                    usb-hub      connected    configured   ok
    usb0/4.5.1                  usb-device   connected    configured   ok
    usb0/4.5.2                  usb-printer  connected    configured   ok
    usb0/4.5.3                  usb-mouse    connected    configured   ok
    usb0/4.5.4                  usb-device   connected    configured   ok
    usb0/4.5.5                  usb-storage  connected    configured   ok
    usb0/4.5.6                  usb-communi  connected    configured   ok
    usb0/4.5.7                  unknown      empty        unconfigured ok
    usb0/4.6                    usb-storage  connected    configured   ok
    usb0/4.7                    usb-storage  connected    unconfigured ok

How to Configure a USB Device

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Configure a USB device.

    # cfgadm -c configure usb0/4.7 
  3. Verify that the USB device is configured.

    # cfgadm usb0/4.7
    Ap_Id                  Type         Receptacle  Occupant    Condition
    usb0/4.7               usb-storage  connected   configured  ok

How to Logically Disconnect a USB Device

If you want to remove a USB device from the system and the prtconf output, but you are not physically near the system, just logically disconnect the USB device. The device is still physically connected, but it is logically disconnected, unusable, and not visible to the system.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Disconnect a USB device.

    # cfgadm -c disconnect -y usb0/4.7
  3. Verify that the device is disconnected.

    # cfgadm usb0/4.7
    Ap_Id                  Type      Receptacle    Occupant      Condition
    usb0/4.7               unknown   disconnected  unconfigured  ok

How to Logically Connect a USB Device

Use this procedure to logically connect a USB device that was previously logically disconnected or unconfigured.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Connect a USB device.

    # cfgadm -c configure usb0/4.7
  3. Verify that the device is connected.

    # cfgadm usb0/4.7
    Ap_Id                  Type         Receptacle  Occupant    Condition
    usb0/4.7               usb-storage  connected   configured  ok

    The device is now available and visible to the system.

How to Logically Disconnect a USB Device Subtree

Use this procedure to disconnect a USB device subtree, which is the hierarchy (or tree) of devices below a hub.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Remove a USB device subtree.

    # cfgadm -c disconnect -y usb0/4
  3. Verify that the USB device subtree is disconnected.

    # cfgadm usb0/4
    Ap_Id                  Type       Receptacle   Occupant     Condition
    usb0/4                 unknown    disconnected unconfigured ok

How to Reset a USB Device

If a USB device behaves erratically, use the cfgadm command to reset the device, which logically removes and recreates the device.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Make sure the device is not in use.

  3. Reset the device.

    # cfgadm -x usb_reset -y usb0/4.7
  4. Verify that the device is connected.

    # cfgadm usb0/4.7
    Ap_Id                  Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition
    usb0/4.7               usb-storage  connected    configured   ok
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