Setting Up a Leased-Line PPP Link (Tasks)
This chapter explains how to configure a PPP link that uses a leased line between peers. Major sections include the following:
Setting Up a Leased Line (Task Map)
Leased-line links are relatively easy to set up, in comparison with dial-up links. In most instances, you do not have to configure the CSU/DSU, dialing services, or authentication. If you do need to configure the CSU/DSU, refer to the manufacturer's documentation for aid with this complex task.
The task map in the next table describes all the tasks that are involved in setting up the basic leased-line link.
Note - Some types of leased lines, such as Frame Relay that uses Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) or Switched 56 service, do require the CSU/DSU to "dial" the address of the opposite peer.
Table 32-1 Task Map for Setting Up the Leased-Line Link
Task | Description | For Instructions |
1. Gather preconfiguration information | Gather data that is needed prior to setting up the link. | |
2. Set up the leased-line hardware | Assemble the CSU/DSU and synchronous interface card. | |
3. Configure the interface card, if required | Configure the interface script to be used when the leased line is brought up. | |
4. Configure information about the remote peer | Define how communications between your local machine and the remote peer should work. | |
5. Start up the leased line | Configure your machine so that it starts up PPP over the leased line as part of the booting process. |
Configuring Synchronous Devices on the Leased Line
The task in this section involves configuring equipment that is required by the leased-line topology that is introduced in "Example--Configuration for a Leased-Line Link". The synchronous devices that are required to connect to the leased line include the interface and modem.
Prerequisites for Synchronous Devices Setup
Before you perform the next procedure, you must have the following items:
Working leased line that is installed at your site by the provider
Synchronous unit (CSU/DSU)
Solaris 9 operating environment release installed on your system
Synchronous interface card of the type that is required by your system
How to Configure Synchronous Devices
Physically install the interface card into the local machine, if it is necessary.
Follow the instructions in the manufacturer's documentation.
Connect the cables from the CSU/DSU to the interface and, if it is necessary, from the CSU/DSU to the leased-line jack or similar connector.
Configure the CSU/DSU, as instructed in the documentation from the manufacturer or network provider.
Note - The provider from whom you rented the leased line might supply and configure the CSU/DSU for your link.
Configure the interface card, if necessary, as instructed in the interface documentation.
The configuration of the interface card involves the creation of a startup script for the interface. The router at LocalCorp in the leased-line configuration that is shown in Figure 30-2 uses an HSI/S interface card.
The following script hsi-conf starts up the HSI/S interface:
#!/bin/ksh /opt/SUNWconn/bin/hsi_init hih1 speed=1536000 mode=fdx loopback=no \ nrzi=no txc=txc rxc=rxc txd=txd rxd=rxd signal=no 2>&1 > /dev/null
Indicates that HSI/S is the synchronous port used
Sets the speed of the CSU/DSU to 1536000
Where to Go From Here
Task | For Instructions |
Configure the local machine on the leased line |
Configuring a Machine on the Leased Line
The task in this section explains how to set up a router to function as the local peer on your end of a leased line. The task uses the leased line that was introduced in "Example--Configuration for a Leased-Line Link" as an example.
Prerequisites for Configuring the Local Machine on a Leased Line
Before you perform the next procedure, you must have completed the following:
Set up and configured the synchronous devices for the link, as described in "Configuring Synchronous Devices on the Leased Line"
Obtained the root password for the local machine on the leased line
Set up the local machine to run as a router on the network(s) to use the services of the leased-line provider
How to Configure a Machine on a Leased Line
Add an entry for the remote peer in the router's /etc/hosts file.
# vi /etc/hosts # # Internet host table # localhost local2-peer loghost local1-net farISP
The sample /etc/hosts file is for the local router at the fictitious LocalCorp. Note the IP address and host name for the remote peer farISP at the service provider.
Create the file /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name to hold information about the provider's peer.
For the sample leased-line link, you create the file /etc/ppp/peers/farISP.
#vi /etc/ppp/peers/farISP init '/etc/ppp/conf_hsi' local /dev/hih1 sync noauth nodefaultroute passive persist noccp nopcomp novj noaccomp
The following table explains the options and parameters that are used in /etc/ppp/peers/farISP.
Create an initialization script that is called demand, which creates the PPP link as part of the booting process.
# cd /etc/ppp/ # vi demand if [ -f /var/run/ ] && /usr/bin/kill -s 0 `/bin/cat /var/run/` then : else /usr/bin/pppd call farISP fi
The demand script contains the pppd command for establishing a leased-line link. The following table explains the contents of $PPPDIR/demand.
Code Sample
echo "Starting Solaris PPP 4.0\c"
Displays "Starting Solaris PPP 4.0" during the booting process.
if ps -e | grep '\<pppd\ > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "\npppd daemon is still running"
echo "or in the process of exiting"
exit 0
Search for an already existing pppd daemon.
If pppd is found, then send out a message and exit the demand script.
echo "\nEstablishing PPP session...\n"
Display "Establishing PPP session" during booting.
/usr/bin/pppd call farISP
Run the pppd command by using the options that are in /etc/ppp/peers/farISP.
The Solaris PPP 4.0 startup script /etc/rc2.d/S47pppd invokes the demand script as part of the Solaris booting process. The following lines in /etc/rc2.dS47pppd search for the presence of a file that is called $PPPDIR/demand.
if [ -f $PPPDIR/demand ]; then . $PPPDIR/demand fi
If $PPPDIR/demand is found, it is executed. During the course of executing $PPPDIR/demand, the link is established.