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16.  Accessing Remote File Systems Reference NFS Commands umountall  Previous   Contents   Next 

Using the umountall Command

This command unmounts all file systems that are mounted from remote hosts:

# umountall -r

This command unmounts all file systems that are currently mounted from the server bee:

# umountall -h bee


With this command, you can make a local file system on an NFS server available for mounting. You can also use the share command to display a list of the file systems on your system that are currently shared. The NFS server must be running in order for the share command to work. The NFS server software is started automatically during boot if an entry is in /etc/dfs/dfstab. The command does not report an error if the NFS server software is not running, so you must verify that the software is running yourself.

The objects that can be shared include any directory tree, but each file system hierarchy is limited by the disk slice or partition that the file system is located on. For instance, sharing the root (/) file system would not also share /usr, unless these directories are on the same disk partition or slice. Normal installation places root on slice 0 and /usr on slice 6. Also, sharing /usr would not share any other local disk partitions that are mounted on subdirectories of /usr.

A file system cannot be shared that is part of a larger file system that is already being shared. For example, if /usr and /usr/local are on one disk slice, /usr can be shared or /usr/local can be shared. However, if both directories need to be shared with different share options, /usr/local must to be moved to a separate disk slice.

Note - You can gain access to a file system that is shared read-only through the file handle of a file system that is shared read-write if the two file systems are on the same disk slice. You can create a more secure situation by placing those file systems that need to be read-write on a separate partition or disk slice from the file systems that you need to share read-only.

Non-File System-Specific share Options

Some of the options that you can include with the -o flag are as follows.


The pathname file system is shared read-write or read-only for all clients.


The file system is shared read-write for the clients that are listed only. All other requests are denied. Starting with the Solaris 2.6 release, the list of clients that are defined in accesslist has been expanded. See "Setting Access Lists With the share Command" for more information. You can use this option to override an -ro option.

NFS-Specific share Options

The options that you can use with NFS file systems include the following.


This option enables an NFS server that supports the NFS version 2 protocol to be configured to do access control for NFS version 2 clients. Without this option, all clients are given minimal access. With this option, the clients have maximal access. For instance, on file systems that are shared with the -aclok option, if anyone has read permissions, everyone does. However, without this option, you can deny access to a client who should have access permissions. A decision to permit too much access or too little access depends on the security systems already in place. See "Securing Files (Tasks)" in System Administration Guide: Security Services for more information about access control lists (ACLs).

Note - To use ACLs, ensure that clients and servers run software that supports the NFS version 3 and NFS_ACL protocols. If the software only supports the NFS version 3 protocol, clients obtain correct access, but cannot manipulate the ACLs. If the software supports the NFS_ACL protocol, the clients obtain correct access and can manipulate the ACLs. Starting with release 2.5, the Solaris system supports both protocols.


You use uid to select the user ID of unauthenticated users. If you set uid to -1, the server denies access to unauthenticated users. You can grant root access by setting anon=0, but this option allows unauthenticated users to have root access, so use the root option instead.


You can use the -index=filename option to force the loading of a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) file instead of displaying a listing of the directory when a user accesses an NFS URL. This option mimics the action of current browsers if an index.html file is found in the directory that the HTTP URL is accessing. This option is the equivalent of setting the DirectoryIndex option for httpd. For instance, suppose that the dfstab file entry resembles the following:

share -F nfs -o ro,public,index=index.html /export/web

These URLs then display the same information:


This option specifies the tag in /etc/nfs/nfslog.conf that contains the NFS server logging configuration information for a file system. This option must be selected to enable NFS server logging.


This option signals that all attempts to enable the setuid or setgid mode should be ignored. NFS clients cannot create files with the setuid or setgid bits on.


The -public option has been added to the share command to enable WebNFS browsing. Only one file system on a server can be shared with this option.


The server gives root access to the hosts in the list. By default, the server does not give root access to any remote hosts. If the selected security mode is anything other than -sec=sys, you can only include client host names in the accesslist. Starting with the Solaris 2.6 release, the list of clients that are defined in accesslist is expanded. See "Setting Access Lists With the share Command" for more information.

Caution - Granting root access to other hosts has wide security implications. Use the -root= option with extreme caution.


mode selects the security modes that are needed to obtain access to the file system. By default, the security mode is UNIX authentication. You can specify multiple modes, but use each security mode only once per command line. Each -mode option applies to any subsequent -rw, -ro, -rw=, -ro=, -root=, and -window= options, until another -mode is encountered. The use of -sec=none maps all users to user nobody.


value selects the maximum lifetime in seconds of a credential on the NFS server. The default value is 30000 seconds or 8.3 hours.

Setting Access Lists With the share Command

In Solaris releases prior to 2.6, the accesslist that was included with either the -ro=, -rw=, or -root= option of the share command was restricted to a list of host names or netgroup names. Starting with the Solaris 2.6 release, the access list can also include a domain name, a subnet number, or an entry to deny access. These extensions should simplify file access control on a single server, without having to change the name space or maintain long lists of clients.

This command provides read-only access for most systems but allows read-write access for rose and lilac:

# share -F nfs -o ro,rw=rose:lilac /usr/src

In the next example, read-only access is assigned to any host in the eng netgroup. The client rose is specifically given read-write access.

# share -F nfs -o ro=eng,rw=rose /usr/src

Note - You cannot specify both rw and ro without arguments. If no read-write option is specified, the default is read-write for all clients.

To share one file system with multiple clients, you must type all options on the same line. Multiple invocations of the share command on the same object "remember" only the last command that is run. This command enables read-write access to three client systems, but only rose and tulip are given access to the file system as root.

# share -F nfs -o rw=rose:lilac:tulip,root=rose:tulip /usr/src

When sharing a file system that uses multiple authentication mechanisms, ensure that you include the -ro, -ro=, -rw, -rw=, -root, and -window options after the correct security modes. In this example, UNIX authentication is selected for all hosts in the netgroup that is named eng. These hosts can only mount the file system in read-only mode. The hosts tulip and lilac can mount the file system read-write if they use Diffie-Hellman authentication. With these options, tulip and lilac can mount the file system read-only even if they are not using DH authentication. However, the host names must be listed in the eng netgroup.

# share -F nfs -o sec=dh,rw=tulip:lilac,sec=sys,ro=eng /usr/src

Even though UNIX authentication is the default security mode, it is not included if the -sec option is used. Therefore, you must include a -sec=sys option if UNIX authentication is to be used with any other authentication mechanism.

You can use a DNS domain name in the access list by preceding the actual domain name with a dot. The dot indicates that the string that follows it is a domain name, not a fully qualified host name. The following entry allows mount access to all hosts in the domain:

# share -F nfs -o /export/share/man

In this example, the single "." matches all hosts that are matched through the NIS or NIS+ name spaces. The results that are returned from these name services do not include the domain name. The "" entry matches all hosts that use DNS for name space resolution. DNS always returns a fully qualified host name, so the longer entry is required if you use a combination of DNS and the other name spaces.

You can use a subnet number in an access list by preceding the actual network number or the network name with "@". This character differentiates the network name from a netgroup or a fully qualified host name. You must identify the subnet in either /etc/networks or in a NIS or NIS+ name space. The following entries have the same effect if the 129.144 subnet has been identified as the eng network:

# share -F nfs -o ro=@eng /export/share/man
# share -F nfs -o ro=@129.144 /export/share/man
# share -F nfs -o ro=@ /export/share/man

The last two entries show that you do not need to include the full network address.

If the network prefix is not byte aligned, as with Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR), the mask length can be explicitly specified on the command line. The mask length is defined by following either the network name or the network number with a slash and the number of significant bits in the prefix of the address. For example:

# share -f nfs -o ro=@eng/17 /export/share/man
# share -F nfs -o ro=@129.144.132/17 /export/share/man

In these examples, the "/17" indicates that the first 17 bits in the address are to be used as the mask. For additional information on CIDR, look up RFC 1519.

You can also select negative access by placing a "-" before the entry. Because the entries are read from left to right, you must place the negative access entries before the entry they apply to:

# share -F nfs -o /export/share/man

This example would allow access to any hosts in the domain except the host that is named rose.


This command allows you to make a previously available file system unavailable for mounting by clients. You can use the unshare command to unshare any file system--whether the file system was shared explicitly with the share command or automatically through /etc/dfs/dfstab. If you use the unshare command to unshare a file system that you shared through the dfstab file, be careful. Remember that the file system is shared again when you exit and reenter run level 3. You must remove the entry for this file system from the dfstab file if the change is to continue.

When you unshare an NFS file system, access from clients with existing mounts is inhibited. The file system might still be mounted on the client, but the files are not accessible.

Using the unshare Command

This command unshares a specific file system:

# unshare /usr/src


This command allows for multiple file systems to be shared. When used with no options, the command shares all entries in /etc/dfs/dfstab. You can include a file name to specify the name of a file that lists share command lines. If you do not include a file name, /etc/dfs/dfstab is checked. If you use a "-" to replace the file name, you can type share commands from standard input.

Using the shareall Command

This command shares all file systems that are listed in a local file:

# shareall /etc/dfs/special_dfstab


This command makes all currently shared resources unavailable. The -F FSType option selects a list of file-system types that are defined in /etc/dfs/fstypes. This flag enables you to choose only certain types of file systems to be unshared. The default file system type is defined in /etc/dfs/fstypes. To choose specific file systems, use the unshare command.

Using the unshareall Command

This example should unshare all NFS-type file systems:

# unshareall -F nfs


This command displays one of the following:

  • All clients that have remotely mounted file systems that are shared from an NFS server

  • Only the file systems that are mounted by clients

  • The shared file systems with the client access information

The command syntax is as follows:

showmount [ -ade ] [ hostname ]


prints a list of all the remote mounts (each entry includes the client name and the directory)


prints a list of the directories that are remotely mounted by clients


Prints a list of the files shared (or exported)


Selects the NFS server to gather the information from

If hostname is not specified the local host is queried.

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