Format of ASET Report Files
Each report file is named after the task that generates it. See the following table for a list of tasks and their reports.
Table 20-1 ASET Tasks and Resulting Reports
Tasks | Report |
System files permissions tuning (tune) | tune.rpt |
System files checks (cklist) | cklist.rpt |
User and group checks (usrgrp) | usrgrp.rpt |
System configuration files check (sysconf) | sysconf.rpt |
Environment variables check (env) | env.rpt |
eeprom check (eeprom) | eeprom.rpt |
Firewall setup (firewall) | firewall.rpt |
Within each report file, messages are bracketed by a beginning and an ending banner line. Sometimes, a task terminates prematurely; for example, when a component of ASET is accidentally removed or damaged. In such cases, the report file usually contains a message near the end that indicates the reason for the premature termination.
The following is a sample report file, usrgrp.rpt.
*** Begin User and Group Checking *** Checking /etc/passwd ... Warning! Password file, line 10, no passwd :sync::1:1::/:/bin/sync ..end user check; starting group check ... Checking /etc/group... *** End User And group Checking *** |
Examining ASET Report Files
After you initially run or reconfigure ASET, you should examine the report files closely. Reconfiguration includes modifying the asetenv file or the master files in the masters subdirectory, or changing the security level at which ASET operates.
The reports record any errors that were introduced when you reconfigured ASET. By watching the reports closely, you can react to, and solve, problems as they arise.
Comparing ASET Report Files
After you monitor the report files for a period during which there are no configuration changes or system updates, you might find that the content of the reports begin to stabilize and that it contains little, if any, unexpected information. You can use the diff utility to compare reports.
ASET Master Files
ASET's master files, tune.high, tune.low,, and uid_aliases, are located in the /usr/aset/masters directory. ASET uses the master files to define security levels.
Tune Files
The tune.low,, and tune.high master files define the available ASET security levels. They specify the attributes of system files at each level and are used for comparison and reference purposes.
The uid_aliases File
The uid_aliases file contains a list of multiple user accounts that share the same user ID (UID). Normally, ASET warns about such multiple user accounts because this practice lessens accountability. You can allow for exceptions to this rule by listing the exceptions in the uid_aliases file. ASET does not report entries in the passwd file with duplicate UIDs if these entries are specified in the uid_aliases file.
Avoid having multiple user accounts (password entries) share the same UID. You should consider other methods of achieving your objective. For example, if you intend for several users to share a set of permissions, you could create a group account. The sharing of UIDs should be your last resort, used only when absolutely necessary and when other methods will not accomplish your objectives.
You can use the UID_ALIASES environment variable to specify an alternate aliases file. The default file is /usr/aset/masters/uid_aliases.
The Checklist Files
The master files that are used by the systems files checks are generated when you first execute ASET, or when you run ASET after you change the security level.
The following environment variables define the files that are checked by this task:
ASET Environment File (asetenv)
The environment file, asetenv, contains a list of environment variables that affect ASET tasks. Some of these variables can be changed to modify ASET operation.
Configuring ASET
This section discusses how ASET is configured and the environment under which it operates.
ASET requires minimum administration and configuration, and in most cases, you can run it with the default values. You can, however, fine-tune some of the parameters that affect the operation and behavior of ASET to maximize its benefit. Before you change the default values, you should understand how ASET works, and how it affects the components of your system.
ASET relies on four configuration files to control the behavior of its tasks:
Modifying the Environment File (asetenv)
The /usr/aset/asetenv file has two main sections:
A user-configurable environment variables section
An internal environment variables section
You can alter the user-configurable parameters section. However, the settings in the internal environment variables section are for internal use only and should not be modified.
You can edit the entries in the user-configurable section to do the following:
Choose which tasks to run
Specify the directories for the system files checks task
Schedule ASET execution
Specify a UID aliases file
Extend checks to NIS+ tables