Listing and Working Wtih Object Attributes
The examples below show techniques to list and work with attributes of an object.
Listing an Object's Attributes
The example below shows how to list the attributes of an object.
#include <stdio.h> #include <xfn/xfn.h> /* This routine prints all the attributes associated with the named object to the standard output. Examples of using the function: fns_attr_list("user/jsmith"); fns_attr_list("thisorgunit/service/printer/color"); */ void fns_attr_list(const char *name) { FN_composite_name_t *name_comp; const FN_identifier_t *identifier; FN_attribute_t *attribute; const FN_attrvalue_t *values; char *id, *val; FN_multigetlist_t *attrset; void *ip; FN_status_t *status; FN_ctx_t *initial_context; name_comp = fn_composite_name_from_str((unsigned char *) name); status = fn_status_create(); /* Obtain the initial context */ initial_context = fn_ctx_handle_from_initial(0, status); if (!fn_status_is_success(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to obtain intial context\n"); return; } /* Obtain all the attributes */ attrset = fn_attr_multi_get(initial_context, name_comp, 0, 0, status); if (!fn_status_is_success(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to obtain attributes\n"); return; } /* List all attributes */ while (attribute = fn_multigetlist_next(attrset, status)) { identifier = fn_attribute_identifier(attribute); switch(identifier->format) { case FN_ID_STRING: id = (char *) malloc(identifier->length + 1); memcpy(id, identifier->contents, identifier->length); id[identifier->length] = '\0'; printf("Attribute Identifier: %s", id); free(id); break; default: printf("Attribute of non-string format\n\n"); continue; } for (values = fn_attribute_first(attribute, &ip); values != NULL; values = fn_attribute_next(attribute, &ip)) { val = (char *) malloc(values->length + 1); memcpy(val, values->contents, values->length); val[values->length] = '\0'; printf("Value: %s", val); free(val); } fn_attribute_destroy(attribute); printf("\n"); } fn_multigetlist_destroy(attrset); fn_ctx_destroy(initial_context); fn_status_destroy(status); fn_composite_name_destroy(name_comp); } |
Adding, Deleting, and Modifying an Object's Attributes
The example below shows how to add, delete, or modify an object's attributes.
#include <stdio.h> #include <xfn/xfn.h> /* This routine modifies an attribute associated with the named object. The modify operation supported are: FN_ATTR_OP_ADD FN_ATTR_OP_ADD_EXCLUSIVE FN_ATTR_OP_REMOVE FN_ATTR_OP_ADD_VALUES FN_ATTR_OP_REMOVE_VALUES The function assumes the attribute values to be strings. Examples of using the function: The following function add an attribute of identifier "realname" with value "James Smith" to the user object "user/jsmith". fns_attr_modify( "user/jsmith", "realname", "James Smith", FN_ATTR_OP_ADD); The following function removes an attribute of identifier "location" from the printer object "thisorgunit/service/printer/color". fns_attr_modify( "thisorgunit/service/printer/color", "location", NULL, FN_ATTR_OP_REMOVE); */ static const char *attr_id_syntax = "fn_attr_syntax_ascii"; void fns_attr_modify(const char *name, const char *attr_id, const char *attr_value, unsigned int operation) { FN_composite_name_t *name_comp; FN_identifier_t identifier, syntax; FN_attrvalue_t *values; FN_attribute_t *attribute; FN_status_t *status; FN_ctx_t *initial_context; name_comp = fn_composite_name_from_str((unsigned char *) name); status = fn_status_create(); /* Obtain the initial context */ initial_context = fn_ctx_handle_from_initial(0, status); if (!fn_status_is_success(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to obtain intial context\n"); return; } /* Create the attribute to be added */ /* First, the identifier */ identifier.format = FN_ID_STRING; identifier.length = strlen(attr_id); identifier.contents = (void *) strdup(attr_id); /* Second, the syntax */ syntax.format = FN_ID_STRING; syntax.length = strlen(attr_id_syntax); syntax.contents = (void *) strdup(attr_id_syntax); /* Third, the attribute value */ if (attr_value) { values = (FN_attrvalue_t *) malloc(sizeof(FN_attrvalue_t)); values->length = strlen(attr_value); values->contents = (void *) strdup(attr_value); } else values = NULL; /* Fourth, create the attribute */ attribute = fn_attribute_create(&identifier, &syntax); /*Fifth, add the attribute value */ if (values) fn_attribute_add(attribute, values, 0); /* Perform the XFN operation */ fn_attr_modify(initial_context, name_comp, operation, attribute, 0, status); if (!fn_status_is_success(status)) fprintf(stderr, "Unable to perform attribute operation\n"); fn_ctx_destroy(initial_context); fn_status_destroy(status); fn_composite_name_destroy(name_comp); fn_attibute_destroy(attribute); free(identifier.contents); free(syntax.contents); if (values) { free(values->contents); free(values); ] ] |