Listing Names Bound in a Context
The example below shows XFN operations to list
a context.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <xfn/xfn.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
This routine returns the list of names
bound under the given context (ctx_name).
Examples of ctx_name are "user", "thisorgunit/service",
host/alto/service, user/jsmit/service/calendar, etc.,
typedef struct fns_listing {
char *name;
struct fns_listing *next;
} fns_listing;
fns_listing *
fns_list_names(const char *ctx_name)
FN_status_t *status;
FN_ctx_t *initial_context;
FN_composite_name_t *context_name;
FN_namelist_t *name_list;
FN_string_t *name;
unsigned int stat;
fns_listing *head = 0, *current, *prev;
int no_names = 0;
status = fn_status_create();
/* Obtain the initial context */
initial_context = fn_ctx_handle_from_initial(0, status);
if (!fn_status_is_success(status)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to obtain intial context\n");
return (0);
context_name = fn_composite_name_from_str((unsigned char *)
/* FNS call to list names */
name_list = fn_ctx_list_names(initial_context, context_name,
if (!fn_status_is_success(status)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to list names\n");
return (0);
/* Obtain the names individually */
while (name = fn_namelist_next(name_list, status)) {
current = (fns_listing *) malloc(sizeof(fns_listing));
current->name = (char *)
malloc(strlen((char *) fn_string_str(name, &stat)) + 1);
strcpy(current->name, (char *) fn_string_str(name, &stat));
current->next = 0;
if (head) {
prev->next = current;
prev = current;
} else {
head = current;
prev = current;
return (head);
Creating a Binding
Example 25-1 shows how to create a binding.
Example 25-1 Creating a Binding
#include <stdio.h>
#include <xfn/xfn.h>
#include <string.h>
This routine creates a binding with a name provided by "name"
and having a reference type "reference_type" and address type
An example of using the function could be:
int fns_create_bindings(
char *name,
char *reference_type,
char *address_type,
char *data)
int return_status;
FN_composite_name_t *binding_name;
FN_identifier_t ref_id, addr_id;
FN_status_t *status;
FN_ref_t *reference;
FN_ref_addr_t *address;
FN_ctx_t *initial_context;
/* Obtain the initial context */
status = fn_status_create();
initial_context = fn_ctx_handle_from_initial(0, status);
/* Check status for any error messages */
if ((return_status = fn_status_code(status)) != FN_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to obtain the initial context\n");
return (return_status);
/* Get the composite name for the printer name */
binding_name = fn_composite_name_from_str((unsigned char *) name);
/* Construct the Address */
addr_id.format = FN_ID_STRING;
addr_id.length = strlen(address_type);
addr_id.contents = (void *) address_type;
address = fn_ref_addr_create(&addr_id,
strlen(data), (const void *) data);
/* Construct the Reference */
ref_id.format = FN_ID_STRING;
ref_id.length = strlen(reference_type);
ref_id.contents = (void *) reference_type;
reference = fn_ref_create(&ref_id);
/* Add Address to the Reference */
fn_ref_append_addr(reference, address);
/* Create a binding */
fn_ctx_bind(initial_context, binding_name, reference, 0, status);
/* Check the error status and return */
return_status = fn_status_code(status);
return (return_status);