Binding a Composite Name to a Reference
fnbind allows you to bind a composite name to a reference.
There are two uses of this command.
The first usage allows the user to bind the reference of an existing name to a new name. (See below.)
The second usage allows the user to bind a reference constructed using arguments in the command line to a name. (See "Constructing a Reference on the Command Line".)
Binding an Existing Name to a New Name
The syntax of fnbind for binding existing names to new names is:
fnbind [-s][-v][-L] oldname newname |
Table 25-16 fnbind Command Options (Binding Names)
Option | Description |
oldname | The existing composite name. |
newname | The new name to which you are binding the old name. |
-s | Supersedes any existing binding of the original composite name. |
-v | Prints out the reference used for the binding. |
-L | Creates an XFN link using name and binding it to new_name. |
For example, to bind the name user/julio/service/printer to the reference of myorgunit/service/printer you would enter:
# fnbind myorgunit/service/printer user/julio/service/printer |
If the given newname is already bound, fnbind -s must be used or the operation will fail. In the above example, if user/julio/service/printer is already bound, the -s option must be used to overwrite the existing binding with that of myorgunit/service/printer as shown below:
# fnbind -s myorgunit/service/printer user/julio/service/printer |
The -v option prints out the reference used for the binding.
# fnbind -v myorgunit/service/printer user/julio/service/printer Reference type: onc_printers Address type: onc_fn_printer_nisplus |
The following command constructs an XFN link out of user/jjones and binds it to the name user/James.Jones:
# fnbind -L user/jjones user/James.Jones |
Similarly, to create a link from user/julio/service/printer to myorgunit/service/printer you would enter:
# fnbind -sL myorgunit/service/printer user/julio/service/printer |
Constructing a Reference on the Command Line
The syntax of fnbind for building a reference on the command line is:
fnbind -r [-s] [-v] newname [-O | -U] reftype {[-O | -U] | addresstype [-c|-x] addresscontents}+ |
Table 25-17 fnbind Command Options (Reference Construction)
Option | Description |
newname | The new name for which you are constructing a reference. |
reftype | The type of reference you are creating. Unless the -O or -U options are used, FN_ID_STRING is used as the indentifier for reftype. |
addresstype | The type of address you are creating. Unless the -O or -U options are used, FN_ID_STRING is used as the indentifier for addresstype. |
addresscontents | The address of the reference you are creating. Unless the -c or -x options are used, the address is stored as an XDR-encoded string. |
-s | Supersedes any existing binding of the original composite name. |
-v | Prints out the reference used for the binding. |
-c | Stores address contents without XDR encoding. |
-x | Interprets address contents as a hexadecimal input string and store it as is. |
-r | Creates a reference with a specified type and binds the reference to a name specified on the command line. |
-O | Interprets and stores type string as ASN.1 dot-separated integer list. |
-U | Interprets and stores type string as a DCE UUID. |
For example, to bind the name thisorgunit/service/calendar to the address contents of staff@cygnus with a reference type of onc_calendar and and an address type onc_cal_str you would enter:
# fnbind -r thisorgunit/service/calendar onc_calendar onc_cal_str staff@cygnus |
By default, the address contents supplied in the command line is XDR-encoded before being stored in the reference. If the -c option is given, the address contents are stored in normal, readable characters, not as an XDR-encoded string. If the -x option is given, the address contents supplied in the command line are interpreted as a hexadecimal string and stored (and not XDR-encoded).
By default, the reference and address types of the reference to be constructed uses the FN_ID_STRING identifier format. If the -O option is given, the identifier format is FN_ID_ISO_OID_STRING, an ASN.1 dot-separated integer list string. If the -U option is given, the identifier format is FN_ID_DCE_UUID, a DCE UUID in string form.
Note - For more information on ASN.1, see ISO 8824: 1990, Information Technology -- Open Systems Interconnection -- Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1). For more information on DCE UUID see X/Open Preliminary Specification, October 1993, X/Open DCE: Remote Procedure Call (ISBN: 1-872630-95-2).
For example, to bind to the name thisorgunit/service/nx a reference with a hexadecimal string as the address contents and OIDs as reference and address types, you would enter:
# fnbind -r thisorgunit/service/nx -O -O -x ef12eab67290 |
Removing a Composite Name
fnunbind removes the given composite name from the namespace. Note that this does not remove the object associated with the name; it only unbinds the name from the object.
For example, to remove the binding associated with the name user/jjones/service/printer/color, you would enter:
# fnunbind user/jjones/service/printer/color |
Renaming an Existing Binding
The fnrename command renames an existing binding.
For example, to rename the binding of clndr to calendar, in the context named by user/jjones/service/ you would enter:
# fnunbind user/jjones/service/printer/color |
Destroying a Context
fndestroy removes the given composite name from the namespace and destroys the context named by the composite name.
For example, to unbind the name user/jones/ from the namespace and destroys the context named by user/jjones/ you would enter:
# fndestroy user/jjones/ |
If the composite name identifies a context to be removed, the command fails if the context contains subcontexts.
Administering FNS: Attributes Overview
Attributes can be applied to named objects. Attributes are optional. A named object can have no attributes, one attribute, or multiple attributes.
Each attribute has a unique attribute identifier, an attribute syntax, and a set of zero or more distinct attribute values.
XFN defines the base attribute interface for examining and modifying the values of attributes associated with existing named objects. These objects can be contexts or any other type of object. Associated with a context are syntax attributes that describe how the context parses compound names.
The extended attribute interface contains operations that search for specific attributes and that create objects and their associated attributes.
Examining Attributes
Search for attributes with the fnsearch command.
The syntax of the fnsearch command is
fnsearch [-ALlv] [-n max] [-s scope] name [-a ident]... [-O|-U] filter_expr [filter_arg] |
Table 25-18 fnsearch Command Options
Option | Description |
-n max | Display only max number of objects. |
-s scope | Set the scope of the search. |
-a ident | Display only those attributes that match ident. |
name | Composite name. |
filter_expr | Boolean, logical, grouping, relational, and comparison operators (see Table 25-19). |
filter_arg | Arguments for filter expressions (see Table 25-19). |
-A | Consult only the authoritative source. |
-L | Follow XFN links. |
-l | Display the object references for the matching objects. |
-v | Verbose. Display detailed object references for the matching objects. |
-O | Use an OSI OID as the identifier. |
-U | Use a DCE UUID as the identifier. |