A missing field indicates a wildcard. For example, the netgroup specification shown below includes all machines and users in all domains:
everybody ( , , ) |
A dash in a field is the opposite of a wildcard; it indicates that no machines or users belong to the group. Here are two examples:
(host1, -,doc.com.) (-,joe,doc.com.) |
The first specification includes one machine, host1, in the doc.com. domain, but excludes all users. The second specification includes one user in the doc.com. domain, but excludes all machines.
netmasks Table
The netmasks table contains the network masks used to implement standard Internet subnetting. The table has three columns:
Table 23-10 netmasks Table
Column | Description |
Addr | The IP number of the network |
Mask | The network mask to use on the network |
Comment | An optional comment about the entry |
For network numbers, you can use the conventional IP dot notation used by machine addresses, but leave zeros in place of the machine addresses. For example, this entry |
means that class B network should have 24 bits in its subnet field, and 8 bits in its host field.
networks Table
The networks table lists the networks of the Internet. This table is normally created from the official network table maintained at the Network Information Control Center (NIC), though you might need to add your local networks to it. It has four columns:
Table 23-11 networks Table
Column | Description |
Cname | The official name of the network, supplied by the Internet |
Addr | The official IP number of the network |
Name | An unofficial name for the network |
Comment | An optional comment about the entry |
passwd Table
The passwd table contains information about the accounts of users in a domain. These users generally are, but do not have to be, NIS+ principals. Remember though, that if they are NIS+ principals, their credentials are not stored here, but in the domain's cred table. The passwd table usually grants read permission to the world (or to nobody).
Note - The passwd table should not have an entry for the user root (user ID 0). Root's password information should be stored and maintained in the machine's /etc files.
The information in the passwd table is added when users' accounts are created.
The passwd table contains the following columns:
Table 23-12 passwd Table
Column | Description |
Name | The user's login name, which is assigned when the user's account is created; the name can contain no uppercase characters and can have a maximum of eight characters |
Passwd | The user's encrypted password |
UID | The user's numerical ID, assigned when the user's account is created |
GID | The numerical ID of the user's default group |
GCOS | The user's real name plus information that the user wishes to include in the From: field of a mail-message heading; an "&" in this column simply uses the user's login name |
Home | The path name of the user's home directory. |
Shell | The user's initial shell program; the default is the Bourne shell: /usr/bin/sh. |
Shadow | (See Table 23-13.) |
The passwd table shadow column stores restricted information about user accounts. It includes the following information:
Table 23-13 passwd Table Shadow Column
Item | Description |
Lastchg | The number of days between January 1, 1970, and the date the password was last modified |
Min | The minimum number of days recommended between password changes |
Max | The maximum number of days that the password is valid |
Warn | The number of days' warning a user receives before being notified that his or her password has expired |
Inactive | The number of days of inactivity allowed for the user |
Expire | An absolute date past which the user's account is no longer valid |
Flag | Reserved for future use: currently set to 0. |
Earlier Solaris releases used a +/- syntax in local /etc/passwd files to incorporate or overwrite entries in the NIS password maps. Since the Solaris Release 2x environment uses the name service switch file to specify a machine's sources of information, this is no longer necessary. All you have to do in Solaris Release 2x systems is edit a client's /etc/nsswitch.conf file to specify files, followed by nisplus as the sources for the passwd information. This effectively adds the contents of the passwd table to the contents of the /etc/passwd file.
However, if you still want to use the +/- method, edit the client's nsswitch.conf file to add compat as the passwd source if you are using NIS. If you are using NIS+, add passwd_compat: nisplus.
protocols Table
The protocols table lists the protocols used by the Internet. It has four columns:
Table 23-14 protocols Table
Column | Description |
Cname | The protocol name |
Name | An unofficial alias used to identify the protocol |
Number | The number of the protocol |
Comments | Comments about the protocol |
rpc Table
The rpc table lists the names of RPC programs. It has four columns:
Table 23-15 rpc Table
Column | Description |
Cname | The name of the program |
Name | Other names that can be used to invoke the program |
Number | The program number |
Comments | Comments about the RPC program |
Here is an example of an input file for the rpc table:
# # rpc file # rpcbind 00000 portmap sunrpc portmapper rusersd 100002 rusers nfs 100003 nfsprog mountd 100005 mount showmount walld 100008 rwall shutdown sprayd 100012 spray llockmgr 100020 nlockmgr 100021 status 100024 bootparam 100026 keyserv 100029 keyserver nisd 100300 rpc.nisd # |
services Table
The services table stores information about the Internet services available on the Internet. It has five columns:
Table 23-16 services Table
Column | Description |
Cname | The official Internet name of the service |
Name | The list of alternate names by which the service can be requested |
Proto | The protocol through which the service is provided (for instance, 512/tcp) |
Port | The port number |
Comment | Comments about the service |
timezone Table
The timezone table lists the default timezone of every machine in the domain. The default time zone is used during installation but can be overridden by the installer. The table has three columns:
Table 23-17 timezone Table
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the domain |
Tzone | The name of the time zone (for example, US/Pacific) |
Comment | Comments about the time zone |