How the Application Search Path Affects the Database Search Path
When a location is added to the application search path, the appropriate database subdirectory is automatically added to the database search path (see "How the Application Search Path Affects the Database, Icon, and Help Search Paths").
For example, if the application server hosta: is added to the application search path, the directory hosta:/etc/dt/appconfig/types/language is automatically added to the database search path.
Database Search Path Environment Variables
The database search path is assembled from the built-in locations and the following input variables:
DTSPSYSDATABASEHOSTS--system-wide database search path input variable
DTSPUSERDATABASEHOSTS--personal database search path input variable
Use these input variables to specify locations outside the application search path.
The assembled database search path is specified by the output variable DTDATABASESEARCHPATH.
Syntax for the Database Search Path Input Variables
VARIABLE=location [,location...] |
where location can have the syntax:
/path--specifies a directory on the local (session server) system. Use this syntax to add a local directory.
hostname:--specifies the system-wide directory /etc/dt/appconfig/types/language on system hostname.
hostname:/path--specifies a directory on the remote system hostname.
How the Database Search Path Is Assembled
The value of the database search path (DTDATABASESEARCHPATH) is created by assembling the following locations, listed in order of precedence:
Locations specified using the DTSPUSERDATABASEHOSTS variable
Locations derived from the DTSPUSERAPPHOSTS variable
The default personal location: HomeDirectory/.dt/types
The default location: /etc/dt/appconfig/types/language
Locations specified using the DTSPSYSDATABASEHOSTS variable
Locations derived from the DTSPSYSAPPHOSTS variable
The syntax:
is expanded to specify the directory /etc/dt/appconfig/types on system hostname.
Icon Search Path
The icon search path directs the desktop to search specified locations for files containing bitmap and pixmap image files used by the desktop.
Default Icon Search Path
The default icon search path includes personal, system-wide, and built-in locations. The default language is C.
Personal location--HomeDirectory/.dt/icons
System-wide location--/etc/dt/appconfig/icons/language
Built-in location--/usr/dt/appconfig/icons/language
How the Application Search Path Affects the Icon Search Path
When a location is added to the application search path, the appropriate icon subdirectory is automatically added to the icon search path (see "How the Application Search Path Affects the Database, Icon, and Help Search Paths").
For example, if the application server hosta: is added to the application search path, the directory hosta:/etc/dt/appconfig/icons/language is automatically added to the icon search path.
Icon Search Path Environment Variables
The database search path is assembled from the built-in locations and the following input variables:
DTSPSYSICON--system-wide icon search path input variable
DTSPUSERICON--personal icon search path input variable
Use these input variables to specify locations outside the application search path.
The assembled database search path is specified by two output variables:
XMICONSEARCHPATH--used by color displays
XMICONBMSEARCHPATH--used by monochrome displays
Syntax for the Icon Search Path Input Variables
The syntax for the variables DTSPSYSICON and DTSPUSERICON is:
VARIABLE=location [,location...] |
where location can have the syntax:
/path--specifies a directory on the local (session server) system. Use this syntax to add a local directory.
To specify a location on another system, use its network file name--for example, /nfs/servera/projects/icons.
How the Icon Search Path Is Assembled
The value of the icon search path (XMICONSEARCHPATH and XMICONBMSEARCHPATH) is created by assembling the following locations, listed in order of precedence:
Locations specified using the DTSPUSERICON variable
Locations derived from the DTSPUSERAPPHOSTS variable
The default personal location: HomeDirectory/.dt/icons
The default location: /etc/dt/appconfig/icons/language
Locations specified using the DTSPSYSICON variable
Locations derived from the DTSPSYSAPPHOSTS variable
The color and monochrome search paths differ only in the precedence given to pixmap and bitmaps. The XMICONSEARCHPATH variables lists pixmaps before bitmaps; XMICONBMSEARCPATH lists bitmaps before pixmaps.