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9.  Desktop Search Paths Application Search Path  Previous   Contents   Next 

Default Application Search Path

The default application search path includes personal, system-wide, and built-in locations. The default language is C.

Personal location--HomeDirectory/.dt/appmanager

System-wide location--/etc/dt/appconfig/appmanager/language

Built-in location--/usr/dt/appconfig/appmanager/language

Application Search Path Environment Variables

The application search path is assembled from the built-in locations and the following input variables:

DTSPSYSAPPHOSTS--system-wide application search path input variable

DTSPUSERAPPHOSTS--personal application search path input variable

The assembled search path is specified by the output variable DTAPPSEARCHPATH.

Syntax for the Application Search Path Input Variables

The syntax for the variables DTSPSYSAPPHOSTS and DTSPUSERAPPHOSTS is:

VARIABLE=location [,location...]

where location can have the syntax:

/path--specifies a directory on the local (session server) system. Use this syntax to add a local directory.

hostname:--specifies the system-wide directory /etc/dt/appconfig/appmanager/language on system hostname. Use this syntax to add an application server.

hostname:/path--specifies a directory on the remote system hostname.

localhost:--the local system-wide location. This keyword is used to alter the precedence of the local system-wide location. See "Changing the Precedence of the System-Wide Local Location".

How the Value of the Application Search Path Is Assembled

The value of the application search path (DTAPPSEARCHPATH) is created by assembling the following locations, listed in order of precedence:

  • Locations specified using the DTSPUSERAPPHOSTS variable

  • The default personal location: HomeDirectory/.dt/appmanager

  • The default location: /etc/dt/appconfig/appmanager/language

  • Locations specified using the DTSPSYSAPPHOSTS variable

  • /usr/dt/appconfig/appmanager/language

    The syntax:


    is expanded to specify the directory /etc/dt/appconfig/appmanager on system hostname.

Changing the Precedence of the System-Wide Local Location

By default, the local system-wide location (/etc/dt/appconfig/appmanager/language) has precedence over remote locations. Thus, local application groups have precedence over remote groups with the same name. For example, if both the local and remote systems have Printer application groups (/etc/dt/appconfig/appmanager/language/Printers), the local group is used.

The application search path input variables provide syntax for specifying the precedence of the local system-wide application groups:


For example, suppose your system must access application servers SysA, SysB, and SysC, and you want the system-wide application groups on SysB to have precedence over any local groups with the same name.

The following value for DTSPSYSAPPHOSTS creates this behavior:


How the Application Search Path Affects the Database, Icon, and Help Search Paths

Additions to the application search path automatically add corresponding locations to the database, icon, and help search paths. This provides the ability to add an application server to a search path by setting only the application search path input variable.

For example, if you set DTSPSYSAPPHOSTS as follows:

export DTSPSYSAPPHOSTS=servera:

then the search paths are affected as shown in Table 9-3.

Table 9-3 Affected Search Paths

Search Path

Directory Added to Search Path









Similarly, if you set DTSPSYSAPPHOSTS as follows:

export DTSPSYSAPPHOSTS=/projects1/apps

then the search paths are affected as shown in Table 9-4 .

Table 9-4 Affected Search Paths

Search Path

Directory Added to Search Path









Database (Action/Data Types) Search Path

The database search path directs the desktop to search specified locations for files containing:

  • Action and data type definitions (*.dt files)

  • Front Panel definitions (*.fp files).

    You may need to modify the database search path when you create a database server, or when you add a local location for database files.

Default Database Search Path

The default database search path includes personal, system-wide, and built-in locations. The default language is C.

Personal location--HomeDirectory/.dt/types

System-wide location--/etc/dt/appconfig/types/language

Built-in location--/usr/dt/appconfig/types/language

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