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13.  Creating Data Types Manually Defining the Data Criteria for a Data Type Name-Based Data Types  Previous   Contents   Next 


  • The following data type definition creates a data type based on the file name. The file name must begin with QS and end with .doc.

        DESCRIPTION           This file contains a document for the QS \
        ICON                  Word_Doc
        ACTIONS               Open
        DATA_CRITERIA QS_Doc_Criteria
        NAME_PATTERN           QS*.doc
  • The following definition creates a data type for directories named Demo_n where n is 0 through 9.

    	DATA_ATTRIBUTES Demo_directory
        DESCRIPTION        This is a directory. Double-click to open it.
        ICON               Demo
        ACTIONS            OpenInPlace,OpenNewView
     DATA_CRITERIA Demo_directory_criteria
        NAME_PATTERN            Demo_[0-9]
        MODE                    d
        DATA_ATTRIBUTES_NAME    Demo_directory

Location-Based Data Types

Use the PATH_PATTERN field to specify the path. You can use the same wildcard characters as with NAME_PATTERN.

For example, the following data type uses a criteria based on path.

DATA_ATTRIBUTES Project_Graphics
     DESCRIPTION       Graphics file for the QS project. Double-click the \
                       icon to see the graphic.
 ICON                  QSgraphics
 DATA_CRITERIA Project_Graphics_Criteria
 PATH_PATTERN          */projects/QS/graphics/*

Data Types Based on Name and Location

To create a data type based on both file name and location, include the name in the PATH_PATTERN value. You cannot use both NAME_PATTERN and PATH_PATTERN in the same criteria definition.


  • The QS_Source_Files data type defined below applies to all files named appn.c, where n= 1 through 9, located in subdirectories of */projects/QS.

    	DATA_ATTRIBUTES QS_Source_Files
     	DATA_CRITERIA QS_Source_Files_Criteria
     		PATH_PATTERN						*/projects/QS/*/app[1-9].c
     		DATA_ATTRIBUTES_NAME			QS_Source_Files
  • The following data type applies to all files in the directory /doc/project1 named where n is 0 through 9, and xxx is any three-character file- name suffix.

    	DATA_ATTRIBUTES ChapterFiles
     		DESCRIPTION			Chapter file for the project document.
     		ICON					chapter
     		ACTIONS				Edit,Print
     	DATA_CRITERIA Chapter_Criteria
     		PATH_PATTERN						/doc/project1/ch[0-9][0-9].???
     		DATA_ATTRIBUTES_NAME			ChapterFiles

Using File Modes as a Typing Criteria

Use the MODE field to specify the required permissions.

Mode criteria are usually used in combination with name-based, location-based, or content-based data typing. They allow you to limit a data type to a file or directory, or to specify the required read, write, and execute permissions.

The MODE field can include logical operators (Table 13-4) and characters (Table 13-5).

Table 13-4 MODE Field Logical Operators and Descriptions




Logical operator NOT


Logical operator AND


Logical OR

Table 13-5 MODE Field Characters and Descriptions




The data type applies only to files


The data type applies only to directories


The file is readable by any user


The file is writable by any user


The file is executable by any user


The file is a link

The default for a particular mode is that the mode does not matter.


  • The following mode fields restrict the data type as described:

    f&!w--read-only files

    !w--read-only files and directories

    f&x--executable files

    f&r&x--files that are both writable and executable

    x|!w--files that are executable or read-only

  • The following data type definition creates an data type for read-only, non-executable files whose file names follow the naming convention *.doc. It assumes that a View action has been defined for the data type.

    	DATA_ATTRIBUTES ReadOnlyDocument
     		ICON						read_only
     		DESCRIPTION				This document is not writable. Double- \
     									clicking runs your editor with a \
     									read-only copy of the file.
     		ACTIONS					View
     	DATA_CRITERIA ReadOnlyDocument_Criteria
     		NAME_PATTERN						*.doc
     		MODE									!d&!x&!w
     		DATA_ATTRIBUTES_NAME			ReadOnlyDocument
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