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Help Viewer

The software application that displays online help.

help volume

A complete body of help information about a subject.

help window

A secondary window that displays help information.

hierarchical file system

A way to organize data on computer systems using a hierarchy of containers, often called folders (directories) and files. In this scheme, folders may contain other folders and files. The successive containment of folders within folders creates the levels of organization, which is the hierarchy.


(v) To make something stand out on the screen by selecting or choosing it. Also (n) the visual indicator that something is selected.


A list of the most recently accessed commands, files, folders, or help topics.

home directory

A directory where you keep personal files and additional directories. In graphical user interface applications, may be called the home folder.


Symbolizes your home directory. For example: If your home directory is /users/anna, then HomeDirectory/bitmaps/ represents /users/anna/bitmaps/

home folder

A folder where you keep personal files and additional directories. By default, File Manager and Terminal Emulator windows are set to the home folder when you first open them. When discussing command-line activities, may be called the home directory.

home session

A choice at logout to designate a particular session, other than the one you are currently in, as the one you will automatically return to at the next login.


A computer system.

host card

The details of a host, as displayed in the Address Manager application.


In Help text, text or a graphic you click to display another Help topic.


A graphical representation of an object consisting of an image, an image background, and a label. An icon can be directly manipulated.

Icon Editor

The software application used to create new icons and to modify existing icons.


The main or default Mailer container. The Inbox receives all incoming mail. Messages can be moved out of the Inbox and put in various containers.


In a help volume, an alphabetical list of words or phrases that can be searched to find help on a subject. The Help System displays the index when you choose the Index button in a help dialog box.

insertion point

The point at which data typed on the keyboard, or pasted from the clipboard or a file, appears on the screen. In text, a synonym for cursor.

Install Icon

An item on a subpanel used to install icons into the Front Panel using drag and drop.


Internal Terminal Emulator. ITE allows use of a bitmapped display as a terminal (through command-line mode from the login screen).


Elements in a list or menu.


The text appearing next to an icon or control that names the element.


Synonym for symbolic link.


A control that contains elements from which you select. Also called selection list.

Lock button

A Front Panel control used to lock the screen.

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