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log in

To supply a user name and password to gain access to a system or desktop session.


The process of gaining access to a system.

log out

To terminate or end access to a system or desktop session.


The termination of a desktop session.


An application that enables you to send, receive, and compose electronic mail messages.

mailer container

The electronic mail box and filing system that contains all mail messages. Once a message is put in a container, you can display, modify, delete, print, include, forward, and reply to it.

Mailer control

The Front Panel control used to start the Mailer software application. Dropping a file on the control loads the file into the Mailer Compose window.

Main Panel

The portion of the Front Panel excluding the subpanels.


A method of using one action to run another action. Also, a pairing of entities in one set with those in another set.


A choice that enlarges a window to its largest possible size.

maximize button

A button on a window's title bar that you choose to display the window in its largest size.


A list of items from which you select to perform a particular application task. Also see submenu.

menu bar

The part of the application window between the title bar and the work area where menu names are listed.

menu item

An element in a menu that represents a choice (for example, Copy on the Edit menu).


To turn a window into an icon. The push button that minimizes a window is located near the upper right corner of the window frame.

minimize button

A button on a window's title bar that you choose to display the window as an icon.


A single, underlined character in a command. The mnemonic indicates that you can choose the command by typing that letter. Mnemonics are used most commonly in menu commands; however, other buttons may also have mnemonics.

modifier key

A key that when pressed and held along with another key or mouse button changes the meaning of the second key or mouse click. Control, Alt, and Shift are examples.


A device for moving the pointer and making selections.

mouse button

A mechanism on a mouse that you press to make selections.

mouse button 1

On a mouse, the leftmost button when configured for right-handed use; the rightmost button when configured for left-handed use. Mouse button 1 is primarily used for selection, and is the default button for the "click" instruction.

mouse button 2

On a three-button mouse, the middle button. Mouse button 2 has two modes: Transfer and Adjust.

mouse button 3

On a mouse, the rightmost button when configured for right-handed use; the leftmost button when configured for left-handed use. Mouse button 3 activates pop-up menus.


A Window menu choice used to put a window in a different location on the screen.

navigation keys

The keyboard keys used to move the current location of the cursor. These include the arrow keys (with or without the Control key); the Tab key (with or without the Control or Shift keys); the Begin and End keys (with or without the Control key); and the Page Up and Page Down keys.

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