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1.  The GSS-API: An Overview Programming Using the GSS-API Unwrapping and Verification gss_unwrap()  Previous   Contents   Next 

The status code returned by the underlying security mechanism.


The context under which this message will be sent.


The wrapped message. This argument must be in the form of a gss_buffer_desc object; see "Strings and Similar Data". Must be freed up with gss_release_buffer() when you have finished with it.


The buffer for the unwrapped wrapped message. After the application is done with the unwrapped message, it must release this buffer with gss_release_buffer(). This argument is also a gss_buffer_desc object.


A flag that indicates whether confidentiality was applied or not. If non-zero, then confidentiality, message origin authentication, and integrity services were applied. If zero, only message-origin authentication and integrity were applied. Specify NULL if not required.


The QOP (Quality of Protection) used. This is the cryptographic algorithm used in generating the MIC and doing the encryption. Specify NULL if not required.

gss_unwrap() returns GSS_S_COMPLETE if the message was successfully unwrapped. If it cannot verify the message against its MIC, it returns GSS_S_BAD_SIG.


If a message has been unwrapped, or if it was never wrapped in the first place, it can be verified with gss_verify_mic(). gss_verify_mic() looks like this:

OM_uint32 gss_verify_mic (
OM_uint32          *minor_status,
const gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,
const gss_buffer_t message_buffer,
const gss_buffer_t token_buffer,
gss_qop_t          qop_state)

The status code returned by the underlying mechanism.


The context under which the message will be sent.


The received message. This argument must be in the form of a gss_buffer_desc object; see "Strings and Similar Data". Must be freed up with gss_release_buffer() when you have finished with it.


The token containing the received MIC. This argument must be in the form of a gss_buffer_desc object; see "Strings and Similar Data". This buffer must be freed up with gss_release_buffer() when the application has finished with it.


The QOP (Quality of Protection) that was applied in generating the MIC. Specify NULL if not required.

gss_verify_mic() returns GSS_S_COMPLETE if the message was successfully verified. If it cannot verify the message against its MIC, it returns GSS_S_BAD_SIG.

Transmission Confirmation (Optional)

After the recipient has unwrapped or verified the transmitted message, it might want to send a confirmation to the sender. This means sending back a MIC for that message. Consider the case of a message that was not wrapped by the sender, but only tagged with a MIC with gss_get_mic(). The process, illustrated in Figure 1-14, is as follows:

  1. The initiator tags the message with gss_get_mic().

  2. The initiator sends the message and MIC to the acceptor.

  3. The acceptor verifies the message with gss_verify_mic().

  4. The acceptor sends the MIC back to the initiator.

  5. The initiator verifies the received MIC against the original message with gss_verify_mic().

Figure 1-14 Confirming MIC'd Data

In the case of wrapped data, the gss_unwrap() function never produces a separate MIC, so the recipient must generate it from the received (and unwrapped) message. The process, illustrated in Figure 1-15, is as follows:

  1. The initiator wraps the message with gss_wrap().

  2. The initiator sends the wrapped message.

  3. The acceptor unwraps the message with gss_unwrap().

  4. The acceptor calls gss_get_mic() to produce a MIC for the unwrapped message.

  5. The acceptor sends the derived MIC to the initiator.

  6. The initiator compares the received MIC against the original message with gss_verify_mic().

Figure 1-15 Confirming Wrapped Data

Context Deletion and Data Deallocation

After all messages have been sent and received, and the initiator and acceptor applications have finished, both applications should call gss_delete_sec_context() to destroy their shared context. gss_delete_sec_context() deletes local data structures associated with the context. gss_delete_sec_context() looks like this:

OM_uint32 gss_delete_sec_context (
OM_uint32    *minor_status,
gss_ctx_id_t *context_handle,
gss_buffer_t output_token)

The status code returned by the underlying mechanism.


The context to delete.


Should be set to GSS_C_NO_BUFFER.

See the gss_delete_sec_context(3GSS) man page for more information.

For good measure, applications should be sure to deallocate any data space they have allocated for GSS-API data. The functions that do this are gss_release_buffer(), gss_release_cred(), gss_release_name(), and gss_release_oid_set(). See their man pages for more information.

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