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4.  Programming with Synchronization Objects Using Condition Variables The Producer/Consumer Problem  Previous   Contents   Next 

Note the use of the assert() statement; unless the code is compiled with NDEBUG defined, assert() does nothing when its argument evaluates to true (that is, nonzero), but causes the program to abort if the argument evaluates to false (zero). Such assertions are especially useful in multithreaded programs--they immediately point out runtime problems if they fail, and they have the additional effect of being useful comments.

The comment that begins /* now: either b->occupied ... could better be expressed as an assertion, but it is too complicated as a Boolean-valued expression and so is given in English.

Both the assertion and the comments are examples of invariants. These are logical statements that should not be falsified by the execution of the program, except during brief moments when a thread is modifying some of the program variables mentioned in the invariant. (An assertion, of course, should be true whenever any thread executes it.)

Using invariants is an extremely useful technique. Even if they are not stated in the program text, think in terms of invariants when you analyze a program.

The invariant in the producer code that is expressed as a comment is always true whenever a thread is in the part of the code where the comment appears. If you move this comment to just after the mutex_unlock(), this does not necessarily remain true. If you move this comment to just after the assert(), this is still true.

The point is that this invariant expresses a property that is true at all times, except when either a producer or a consumer is changing the state of the buffer. While a thread is operating on the buffer (under the protection of a mutex), it might temporarily falsify the invariant. However, once the thread is finished, the invariant should be true again.

Example 4-13 shows the code for the consumer. Its flow is symmetric with that of the producer.

Example 4-13 The Producer/Consumer Problem--the Consumer

char consumer(buffer_t *b)
    char item;
    while(b->occupied <= 0)
        pthread_cond_wait(&b->more, &b->mutex);

    assert(b->occupied > 0);

    item = b->buf[b->nextout++];
    b->nextout %= BSIZE;

    /* now: either b->occupied > 0 and b->nextout is the index
       of the next occupied slot in the buffer, or
       b->occupied == 0 and b->nextout is the index of the next
       (empty) slot that will be filled by a producer (such as
       b->nextout == b->nextin) */




Semaphores are a programming construct designed by E. W. Dijkstra in the late 1960s. Dijkstra's model was the operation of railroads: consider a stretch of railroad in which there is a single track over which only one train at a time is allowed.

Guarding this track is a semaphore. A train must wait before entering the single track until the semaphore is in a state that permits travel. When the train enters the track, the semaphore changes state to prevent other trains from entering the track. A train that is leaving this section of track must again change the state of the semaphore to allow another train to enter.

In the computer version, a semaphore appears to be a simple integer. A thread waits for permission to proceed and then signals that it has proceeded by performing a P operation on the semaphore.

The semantics of the operation are such that the thread must wait until the semaphore's value is positive, then change the semaphore's value by subtracting one from it. When it is finished, the thread performs a V operation, which changes the semaphore's value by adding one to it. It is crucial that these operations take place atomically--they cannot be subdivided into pieces between which other actions on the semaphore can take place. In the P operation, the semaphore's value must be positive just before it is decremented (resulting in a value that is guaranteed to be nonnegative and one less than what it was before it was decremented).

In both P and V operations, the arithmetic must take place without interference. If two V operations are performed simultaneously on the same semaphore, the net effect should be that the semaphore's new value is two greater than it was.

The mnemonic significance of P and V is unclear to most of the world, as Dijkstra is Dutch. However, in the interest of true scholarship: P stands for prolagen, a made-up word derived from proberen te verlagen, which means try to decrease. V stands for verhogen, which means increase. This is discussed in one of Dijkstra's technical notes, EWD 74.

sem_wait(3RT) and sem_post(3RT) correspond to Dijkstra's P and V operations. sem_trywait(3RT) is a conditional form of the P operation: if the calling thread cannot decrement the value of the semaphore without waiting, the call returns immediately with a nonzero value.

There are two basic sorts of semaphores: binary semaphores, which never take on values other than zero or one, and counting semaphores, which can take on arbitrary nonnegative values. A binary semaphore is logically just like a mutex.

However, although it is not enforced, mutexes should be unlocked only by the thread holding the lock. There is no notion of "the thread holding the semaphore," so any thread can perform a V (or sem_post(3RT)) operation.

Counting semaphores are about as powerful as conditional variables (used in conjunction with mutexes). In many cases, the code might be simpler when it is implemented with counting semaphores rather than with condition variables (as shown in the next few examples).

However, when a mutex is used with condition variables, there is an implied bracketing--it is clear which part of the program is being protected. This is not necessarily the case for a semaphore, which might be called the go to of concurrent programming--it is powerful but too easy to use in an unstructured, indeterminate way.

Counting Semaphores

Conceptually, a semaphore is a nonnegative integer count. Semaphores are typically used to coordinate access to resources, with the semaphore count initialized to the number of free resources. Threads then atomically increment the count when resources are added and atomically decrement the count when resources are removed.

When the semaphore count becomes zero, indicating that no more resources are present, threads trying to decrement the semaphore block wait until the count becomes greater than zero.

Table 4-7 Routines for Semaphores


Destination Discussion

Initialize a semaphore


Increment a semaphore


Block on a semaphore count


Decrement a semaphore count


Destroy the semaphore state


Because semaphores need not be acquired and released by the same thread, they can be used for asynchronous event notification (such as in signal handlers). And, because semaphores contain state, they can be used asynchronously without acquiring a mutex lock as is required by condition variables. However, semaphores are not as efficient as mutex locks.

By default, there is no defined order of unblocking if multiple threads are waiting for a semaphore.

Semaphores must be initialized before use, but they do not have attributes.

Initialize a Semaphore


int	sem_init(sem_t *sem, int pshared, unsigned int value);
#include <semaphore.h>

sem_t sem;
int pshared;
int ret;
int value;

/* initialize a private semaphore */
pshared = 0;
value = 1;
ret = sem_init(&sem, pshared, value); 

Use sema_init(3THR) to initialize the semaphore variable pointed to by sem to value amount. If the value of pshared is zero, then the semaphore cannot be shared between processes. If the value of pshared is nonzero, then the semaphore can be shared between processes. (For Solaris threads, see "sema_init(3THR)".)

Multiple threads must not initialize the same semaphore.

A semaphore must not be reinitialized while other threads might be using it.

Return Values

sem_init() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails and returns the corresponding value.



The value argument exceeds SEM_VALUE_MAX.



A resource required to initialize the semaphore has been exhausted. The limit on semaphores SEM_NSEMS_MAX has been reached.



The process lacks the appropriate privileges to initialize the semaphore.

Initializing Semaphores With Intraprocess Scope

When pshared is 0, the semaphore can be used by all the threads in this process only.

#include <semaphore.h>

sem_t sem;
int ret;
int count = 4;

/* to be used within this process only */
ret = sem_init(&sem, 0, count); 
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