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5.   Programming With the Operating Environment LWPs and Scheduling Classes  Previous   Contents   Next 

Timeshare Scheduling

Timeshare scheduling distributes the processing resource fairly among the LWPs in this scheduling class. Other parts of the kernel can monopolize the processor for short intervals without degrading response time as seen by the user.

The priocntl(2) call sets the nice(2) level of one or more processes. The priocntl() call also affects the nice() level of all the timesharing class LWPs in the process. The nice() level ranges from 0 to +20 normally and from -20 to +20 for processes with superuser privilege. The lower the value, the higher the priority.

The dispatch priority of time shared LWPs is calculated from the instantaneous CPU use rate of the LWP and from its nice() level. The nice() level indicates the relative priority of the LWPs to the timeshare scheduler.

LWPs with a greater nice() value get a smaller, but nonzero, share of the total processing. An LWP that has received a larger amount of processing is given lower priority than one that has received little or no processing.

Realtime Scheduling

The Realtime class (RT) can be applied to a whole process or to one or more LWPs in a process. This requires superuser privilege.

Unlike the nice(2) level of the timeshare class, LWPs that are classified Realtime can be assigned priorities either individually or jointly. A priocntl(2) call affects the attributes of all the Realtime LWPs in the process.

The scheduler always dispatches the highest-priority Realtime LWP. It preempts a lower-priority LWP when a higher-priority LWP becomes runnable. A preempted LWP is placed at the head of its level queue.

A Realtime LWP retains control of a processor until it is preempted, it suspends, or its Realtime priority is changed. LWPs in the RT class have absolute priority over processes in the TS class.

A new LWP inherits the scheduling class of the parent process or LWP. An RT class LWP inherits the parent's time slice, whether finite or infinite.

An LWP with a finite time slice runs until it terminates, blocks (for example, to wait for an I/O event), is preempted by a higher-priority runnable Realtime process, or the time slice expires.

An LWP with an infinite time slice ceases execution only when it terminates, blocks, or is preempted.

Fair Share Scheduling

The fair share scheduler (FSS) scheduling class allows allocation of CPU time based on shares.

By default, the FSS scheduling class uses the same range of priorities (0 to 59) as the TS and interactive (IA) scheduling classes. All LWPs in a process must run in the same scheduling class. The FSS class schedules individual LWPs, not whole processes. Thus, a mix of processes in the FSS and TS/IA classes could result in unexpected scheduling behavior in both cases.

With the use of processor sets, you can mix TS/IA with FSS in one system as long as all the processes running on each processor set are in either the TS/IA or the FSS scheduling class, so they do not compete for the same CPUs.

Fixed Priority Scheduling

The fixed priority scheduling class (FX) assigns fixed priorities and time quantum that are not adjusted to accomodate resource consumption. Process priority can be changed only by the process itself or another appropriately privileged process. For more information about FX, see the priocntl(1) and dispadmin(1M) manual pages.

Threads in this class share the same range of priorities (0 to 59) as the TS and interactive (IA) scheduling classes. TS is usually the default. FX will usually be used in conjunction with TS.

Extending Traditional Signals

The traditional UNIX signal model is extended to threads in a fairly natural way. The key characteristics are that the signal disposition is process-wide, but the signal mask is per-thread. The process-wide disposition of signals is established using the traditional mechanisms (signal(3C), sigaction(2), and so on).

When a signal handler is marked SIG_DFL or SIG_IGN, the action on receipt of the signal (exit, core dump, stop, continue, or ignore) is performed on the entire receiving process, affecting all threads in the process. For these signals that don't have handlers, the issue of which thread picks the signal is unimportant, because the action on receipt of the signal is carried out on the whole process. See signal(5) for basic information about signals.

Each thread has its own signal mask. This lets a thread block some signals while it uses memory or another state that is also used by a signal handler. All threads in a process share the set of signal handlers set up by sigaction(2) and its variants.

A thread in one process cannot send a signal to a specific thread in another process. A signal sent by kill(2), sigsend(2) or sigqueue(3RT) to a process is handled by any one of the receptive threads in the process.

Signals are divided into two categories: traps and exceptions (synchronously generated signals) and interrupts (asynchronously generated signals).

As in traditional UNIX, if a signal is pending, additional occurrences of that signal normally have no additional effect--a pending signal is represented by a bit, not by a counter. However, signals posted via the sigqueue(3RT) interface allow multiple instances of the same signal to be queued to the process.

As is the case with single-threaded processes, when a thread receives a signal while blocked in a system call, the thread might return early, either with the EINTR error code, or, in the case of I/O calls, with fewer bytes transferred than requested.

Of particular importance to multithreaded programs is the effect of signals on pthread_cond_wait(3THR). This call usually returns without error ( a return value of zero) only in response to a pthread_cond_signal(3THR) or a pthread_cond_broadcast(3THR), but, if the waiting thread receives a traditional UNIX signal, it returns with a return value of zero even though the wakeup was spurious. The Solaris threads cond_wait(3THR) function returns EINTR in this circumstance. See "Interrupted Waits on Condition Variables" for more information.

Synchronous Signals

Traps (such as SIGILL, SIGFPE, SIGSEGV) result from something a thread does to itself, such as dividing by zero or making reference to nonexistent memory. A trap is handled only by the thread that caused it. Several threads in a process can generate and handle the same type of trap simultaneously.

Extending the idea of signals to individual threads is easy for synchronously-generated signals--the handler is invoked on the thread that generated the synchronous signal.

However, if the process has not chosen to deal with such problems by establishing an appropriate signal handler, then the default action will be taken when a trap occurs, even if the offending thread has the generated signal blocked. The default action for such signals is to terminate the process, perhaps with a core dump.

Because such a synchronous signal usually means that something is seriously wrong with the whole process, and not just with a thread, terminating the process is often a good choice.

Asynchronous Signals

Interrupts (such as SIGINT and SIGIO) are asynchronous with any thread and result from some action outside the process. They might be signals sent explicitly by another process, or they might represent external actions such as a user typing Control-c.

An interrupt can be handled by any thread whose signal mask allows it. When more than one thread is able to receive the interrupt, only one is chosen.

When multiple occurrences of the same signal are sent to a process, then each occurrence can be handled by a separate thread, as long as threads are available that do not have it masked. When all threads have the signal masked, then the signal is marked pending and the first thread to unmask the signal handles it.

Continuation Semantics

Continuation semantics are the traditional way to deal with signals. The idea is that when a signal handler returns, control resumes where it was at the time of the interruption. This is well suited for asynchronous signals in single-threaded processes, as shown in Example 5-1.

This is also used as the exception-handling mechanism in some programming languages, such as PL/1.

Example 5-1 Continuation Semantics

unsigned int nestcount;

unsigned int A(int i, int j) {

    if (i==0)
    else if (j==0)
        return(A(i-1, 1));
        return(A(i-1, A(i, j-1)));

void sig(int i) {
    printf("nestcount = %d\n", nestcount);

main() {
    sigset(SIGINT, sig);

Operations on Signals


pthread_sigmask(3THR) does for a thread what sigprocmask(2) does for a process--it sets the thread's signal mask. When a new thread is created, its initial mask is inherited from its creator.

The call to sigprocmask() in a multithreaded process is equivalent to a call to pthread_sigmask(). See the sigprocmask(2) page for more information.


pthread_kill(3THR) is the thread analog of kill(2)--it sends a signal to a specific thread. This, of course, is different from sending a signal to a process. When a signal is sent to a process, the signal can be handled by any thread in the process. A signal sent by pthread_kill() can be handled only by the specified thread.

Note than you can use pthread_kill() to send signals only to threads in the current process. This is because the thread identifier (type thread_t) is local in scope--it is not possible to name a thread in any process but your own.

Note also that the action taken (handler, SIG_DFL, SIG_IGN) on receipt of a signal by the target thread is global, as usual. This means, for example, that if you send SIGXXX to a thread, and the SIGXXX signal disposition for the process is to kill the process, then the whole process is killed when the target thread receives the signal.

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