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Chapter 14

Handling Errors

The ToolTalk service returns error status in the function's return value rather than in a global variable. ToolTalk functions return one of these error values:

  • Tt_status

  • int

  • char* or opaque handle

Each return type is handled differently to determine if an error occurred. For example, the return value for tt_default_session_set is a Tt_status code. If the ToolTalk service sets the default session to the specified sessid:

  • Without a problem -- the Tt_status code returned is TT_OK.

  • With a problem -- the Tt_status code returned is TT_ERR_SESSION. This status code informs you that the sessid you passed was not valid.

Retrieving ToolTalk Error Status

You can use the ToolTalk error handling functions shown in Table 14-1 to retrieve error values.

Table 14-1 Retrieving ToolTalk Error Status

ToolTalk Function


tt_pointer_error(char * return_val)

Returns an error encoded in a pointer.

tt_pointer_error((void *) (p))

Returns an error encoded in a pointer cast to VOID * .

tt_int_error(int return_val)

Returns an error encoded in an integer.

The return type for these function is Tt_status.

Checking ToolTalk Error Status

You can use the ToolTalk error macro shown in Table 14-2 to check error values.

Table 14-2 ToolTalk Error Macros

Return Type

ToolTalk Macro

Expands to



(TT_WRN_LAST < (status_code))

Returned Value Status

The following sections describe the return value status of functions with natural return values and functions with no natural return value.

Functions with Natural Return Values

If a ToolTalk function has a natural return value such as a pointer or an integer, a special error value is returned instead of the real value.

Functions with No Natural Return Values

If a ToolTalk function does not have a natural return value, the return value is an element of Tt_status enum.

To see if there is an error, use the ToolTalk macro tt_is_err, which returns an integer.

  • If the return value is 0, the Tt_status enum is either TT_OK or a warning.

  • If the return value is 1, the Tt_status enum is an error.

If there is an error, you can use the tt_status_message function to obtain the character string that explains the Tt_status code, as shown in Example 14-1.

Example 14-1 Obtaining an Error Explanation

char *spec_id, my_application_name;
Tt_status tterr;

tterr = tt_spec_write(spec_id);
if (tt_is_err(tterr)) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", my_application_name,

Returned Pointer Status

If an error occurs during a ToolTalk function that returns a pointer, the ToolTalk service provides an address within the ToolTalk API library that indicates the appropriate Tt_status code. To check whether the pointer is valid, you can use the ToolTalk macro tt_ptr_error. If the pointer is an error value, you can use tt_status_message to get the Tt_status character string.

Example 14-2 checks the pointer and retrieves and prints the Tt_status character string if an error value is found.

Example 14-2 Retrieving a Returned Pointer Status

char *old_spec_id, new_file, new_spec_id, my_application_name;
Tt_status tterr;

new_spec_id = tt_spec_move(old_spec_id, new_file);
tterr = tt_ptr_error(new_spec_id);
switch (tterr) {
    case TT_OK:
	 * Replace old_spec_id with new_spec_id in my internal
	 * data structures.
	update_my_spec_ids(old_spec_id, new_spec_id);
	 * The spec must have stayed in the same filesystem,
	 * since ToolTalk is reusing the spec id. Do nothing.
    case TT_ERR_FILE:
    case TT_ERR_ACCESS:
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", my_application_name,

Returned Integer Status

If an error occurs during a ToolTalk function that returns an integer, the return value is out-of-bounds. The tt_int_error function returns a status of TT_OK if the value is not out-of-bounds.

To check if a value is out-of-bounds, you can use the tt_is_err macro to determine if an error or a warning occurred.

To retrieve the character string for a Tt_status code, you can use tt_status_message.

Example 14-3 checks a returned integer.

Example 14-3 Checking a Returned Integer

Tt_message msg;
int num_args;
Tt_status tterr;
char *my_application_name;

num_args = tt_message_args_count(msg);
tterr = tt_int_error(num_args);
if (tt_is_err(tterr)) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", my_application_name,

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