C H A P T E R  2

Configuring the SunATM Interfaces

This chapter describes the new features in the SunATM software and how to configure the software using the atmadmin configuration program.

Note - The atmadmin configuration program does not currently support IPv6 protocol.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Using the atmadmin Configuration Program

The SunATM configuration program, atmadmin , is an interactive command- line interface. The program contains a hierarchy of menus, which divide the configuration into six main parameter groups: system, physical layer, signalling, ILMI, Classical IP, and LAN Emulation. All but the system parameter group are specific to individual SunATM interfaces, so you must configure the parameters in these groups separately for each interface.

If you prefer, you can enter and change the SunATM configuration information by editing the SunATM configuration files directly. See Chapter 3 .

Note - See the Glossary for descriptions of the ATM and SunATM terms used in this chapter. Chapter 3," and Chapter 5," also provide more information about ATM protocols and the SunATM implementation of these protocols.

Starting the atmadmin Configuration Program

The atmadmin program is installed with the SUNWatm software package in the
/etc/opt/SUNWconn/bin directory. The program must be run as superuser. It can be run in any local or remote shell on the SunATM system.

# /etc/opt/SUNWconn/bin/atmadmin

atmadmin Main Menu

After you start the atmadmin configuration program, you see the atmadmin Main Menu. From this menu you can either go to the system parameter group menu (see System Parameter Group Menu ), or you can enter the SunATM interface you want to configure. The following screen example is from a system with one interface named ba0 .

Welcome to the SunATM Admin Program.
The following interfaces are installed in your system:
        [S] Modify System Parameters
        [X] Exit
        [?] Help
Enter interface name or option: ba0

After selecting an interface, you will then see the Interface Configuration menu (see Interface Configuration Menu ).

atmadmin Navigation Commands

TABLE 2-1 lists the basic commands that let you navigate through the menu hierarchy.

TABLE 2-1 Basic Navigational Commands in atmadmin




Return to the atmadmin main menu


Return to the previous menu


Exit atmadmin


Provide more information about the options on this menu

System Parameter Group Menu

The system parameter group contains parameters that are not specific to an interface; they apply to the entire system. The following example shows the system parameter group menu.

Modifying system-wide parameters;
Currently configured as an ATM SNMP agent, using UDP port 1000
The SNMP agent options are:
        [A] ATM SNMP agent
        [N] not an agent
        [U] UDP Port
        [P] Previous Menu
        [M] Main Menu
        [X] Exit
        [?] Help
Enter selection:

ATM SNMP Agent Status

You can configure your SunATM system as an ATM SNMP agent. The SunATM SNMP daemon, atmsnmpd , always runs on an ATM host. If you do not run your system as an SNMP agent, the daemon does not bind to a UDP port.

Interface Configuration Menu

Once you select a SunATM interface, you will see the atmadmin Interface Configuration menu. From this menu you can proceed to the interface parameter group sub-menus, which are described in atmadmin Parameter Groups . You can use these sub-menus to change the SunATM interface configuration parameters.

Modifying ba0
        [Y] Physical Layer
        [U] UNI Signalling
        [I] ILMI Address Registration
        [C] Classical IP
        [L] LAN Emulation
        [P] Previous Menu
        [M] Main Menu
        [X] Exit
        [?] Help
Enter selection:

atmadmin and the SunATM Configuration Files in the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm directory

The atmadmin program first attempts to read the current configuration information from the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig ,
/etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig , and /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/laneconfig files. If no configuration information is found, or if the files do not exist, the default values listed in are applied to the installed interfaces.

caution icon

Caution Caution - When saving configuration information, atmadmin overwrites the existing SunATM configuration files in the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm directory. Therefore, any comments or other changes you manually made to the files will be lost.

atmadmin Parameter Groups

The atmadmin configuration program contains a series of menus where you can input or alter the configuration of specific SunATM software parameters. These menus, or parameter groups, are described in this chapter:

TABLE 2-2 summarizes the configurable parameters in each parameter group. Although the parameter list appears rather lengthy, you only need to use the default values for most standard configurations. The large number of parameters offer the flexibility to support special case configurations, and to allow interoperability with equipment from other vendors.

Note Note - In most cases, you will only need to configure the parameters that do not have default values.

TABLE 2-2 Configurable Parameters in the SunATM Software



Possible Values

Default Values



SNMP Agent Status

agent or not_agent



SNMP Agent UDP port

0<= n <= 65355


For SNMP Agent

Physical Layer

Framing Interface





UNI Version

3.0, 3.1, 4.0, or none

No default



ILMI Status

Enabled or Disabled



Classical IP

IP Version

IPv4, IPv6, or both

No default

For Classical IP

Hostname/IP Address

Valid hostname and IP address

No default

For Classical IP & IPv6

Interface Type (IPv4 only)

Client, Server, or Standalone

No default

For Classical IP (IPv4) only

Local ATM Address

Valid ATM address


For Classical IP Clients or Servers & IPv6

ARP Server (IPv4 only)

Valid ATM address


For Classical IP (IPv4) Clients


32 <= n < 1024


For Classical IP

Destination hostname or IP address

Valid hostname or IP address

For Classical IP

For Classical IP Standalones (V4 & V6)

Destination ATM address

Valid ATM address

No default

Standalone SVCs (IPv4 and IPv6)

LAN Emulation

Instance Number

0 <= n <= 999

No default

For LAN Emulation

Per-Instance Parameters

Hostname/IP Address

Valid hostname and IP address (IPv4 and IPv6)

No default

For LAN Emulation

Local ATM Address

Valid ATM address


For LAN Emulation

LECS Indicator

No LECS or LECS Present

LECS Present

For LAN Emulation

LECS ATM Address

Valid ATM address

ILMI value or the well-known LECS address

For LAN Emulation, lecs_present

LES ATM Address

Valid ATM address

No default

For LAN Emulation, no_lecs

Emulated LAN Name

Character string

No default

For additional instance on a physical interface


Yes or no


For LAN Emulation


Minor Instance Number

0 <= n <= 8190


For LAN Emulation, additional IP

Hostname/IP Address

Valid hostname and IP address (IPv4 and IPv6)

No default

For LAN Emulation, additional IP

Physical Layer Parameter Group

The physical layer parameter group contains only the framing interface parameter. The following example shows the physical layer parameter menu.

Modifying ba0; Current framing interface is SONET
The framing interfaces that may be configured are:
        [P] Previous Menu
        [M] Main Menu
        [X] Exit
        [?] Help
Enter selection:

Framing Interface

The framing interface defines the encapsulation method used for ATM cells as they are sent onto the wire. The default framing interface is SONET, but the SunATM software also supports the SDH interface. Your switch product information should indicate whether your switch uses either the SONET or the SDH interface. If the switch uses the SDH interface, you will need to select SDH from the physical parameter group menu.

Signalling Parameter Group

The signalling parameter group contains only the UNI version parameter. The following example shows the signalling parameter menu.

Modifying ba0; Current UNI Version is 3.0
The UNI versions that may be configured are:
        [N] No Signalling Enabled
        [P] Previous Menu
        [M] Main Menu
        [X] Exit
        [?] Help
Enter selection:

UNI Version

The SunATM software supports three versions of the ATM Forum's User Network Interface (UNI) Specification: versions 3.0, 3.1, and 4.0. You may choose not to enable signalling, but in order to support either Classical IP or LAN Emulation (or both), you must select one of the three UNI versions.

ILMI Parameter Group

If your ATM switch does not support the Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) , you can turn off the ILMI address registration on your SunATM interface from the ILMI configuration menu. The following example shows the ILMI configuration menu.

Modifying ba0; Currently ILMI is enabled
        [E] Enable ILMI
        [D] Disable ILMI
        [P] Previous Menu
        [M] Main Menu
        [X] Exit
        [?] Help
Enter selection:

Classical IP Parameter Group

Classical Internet Protocol (Classical IP), specified by RFC 1577, is one way of supporting the TCP/IP and UDP/IP protocols in an ATM environment. In Classical IP, an ATM ARP server is used to resolve IP addresses to ATM addresses, replacing the traditional ARP protocol. In this configuration, each host must register with the ARP server when the ATM interface is brought up. For more information on the Classical IP protocols, see Classical Internet Protocol .

One reason ATM ARP is used instead of the traditional ARP is that ATM does not support broadcast (a network capability providing transmission from one point to all points on a network). Because Classical IP over ATM does not support broadcast, you cannot use the ypbind -broadcast UNIX command to automatically locate the NIS server (ypserver) on a Classical IP ATM subnet.

If you are planning to run NIS over your ATM network, you must specify the list of NIS servers (ypservers) using the ypinit -c command. See the ypinit(1M) man page for details of setting up the ypserver. Be sure that the IP addresses of the ypservers are listed in the /etc/hosts file.

The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) also uses the broadcast feature of IP, so it is not supported under the Classical IP environment. In the Solaris operating environment, RIP is implemented by the daemon in.routed .

Classical IP alone also does not support the multicast packet delivery system. If you are using Classical IP, you must explicitly add the routes to the routers in the ATM subnet. You may also specify one router as the default router to provide connectivity outside of the ATM subnet. See the route(1M) man page for information on using the route command to add specific router entries and to add a default router.

You can use the Classical IP parameter group menu to define the Classical IP configuration of a SunATM interface.

Modifying ba0; Current Configuration:
    Arp Client
    IP = atm_cip
    ATM = $myaddress
    ARPSRV = $localswitch_server
        [N] No Classical IP Enabled
        [C] Client
        [S] Arp Server
        [T] Standalone
        [I] Hostname or IP Address
        [L] Local ATM Address
        [A] ATM ARP Server Address
        [P] Previous Menu
        [M] Main Menu
        [X] Exit
        [?] Help
Enter Selection:

Beginning with this release, SunATM also supports the next generation of Internet Protocol, IPv6. IPv6 ATM environments provide no support for address resolution through RFC 1577. Thus, for IPv6 environments, all destination addresses, whether PVC or SVC, must be statically configured.

Classical IP Interface Type

The SunATM software allows you to configure your interface as a Classical IP ARP server or client, or in a standalone mode with locally configured entries. You can also use standalone mode to connect two systems back-to-back, using a Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC). These three modes are options on the Classical IP parameter menu. IPv6 always operates in standalone mode.

Depending on the Classical IP type, different parameters willbe displayed in the Classical IP Parameter menu. The figure on the previous page shows the menu when the type is set to ARP client. The possible parameters for each type (server, client or standalone) are described in the following sections.

Note Note - If you are running IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously, you cannot configure an ARP client or server for IPv4 on that Interface. It must also be configured in standalone mode

Hostname and IP Address

Regardless of the Classical IP Interface Type, you must assign an IP address and hostname to the interface. For IPv4, if you enter a hostname that appears in the
file, or if NIS, NIS+, or DNS is enabled and the hostname is resolvable over it, you are not prompted to enter an IP address. Instead, the resolution is performed automatically. If the hostname cannot be resolved, you are prompted to enter an IP address. If you must enter an IP address, or if the address is only available through NIS, NIS+, or DNS, the SunATM software updates the /etc/hosts file. For IPv6, the SunATM software updates the /etc/init/ipnodes file.

A valid IP hostname is no more than 80 characters. A valid IPv4 address is a set of four decimal numbers in the range of 0 to 255, separated by dots (for example, ). A valid IPv6 address is x:x:x:x:x:x.

Local ATM Address

The local ATM address is the 20-byte ATM address associated with a specific Classical IP instance. You must assign an ATM address to each Classical IP client, server, or standalone SVC. You should not assign an ATM address on standalone PVCs, such as in a back to back configuration. The following section describes ATM address formats and some of the SunATM software defined address variables.

ATM Address Formats and Variables

ATM addresses, like Network Service Access Point (NSAP) addresses, are 20 octets long, with each octet made up of 1 or 2 hexadecimal digits. The ATM address is divided into three fields: the End System Identifier field, the Selector field, and the Network Prefix field. The End System Identifier (ESI) field is a unique 6 octet value, which can be the IEEE hardware MAC address conventionally associated with every network interface. The Selector field is one octet long. The 13 octets that make up the rest of the ATM address are called the Network Prefix. This field should be derived from the ATM switch fabric to which the interface is connected. Every ATM switch fabric is configured with a 13 octet prefix.

To simplify references to ATM addresses in the SunATM software, several system-defined variables are built into the software. Variables are referenced with the $ operator, as in UNIX shell scripts. TABLE 2-3 summarizes the system-defined SunATM address variables.

TABLE 2-3 Predefined SunATM Variables




The 13-byte prefix associated with the local switch.


The 6-byte medium access control ( MAC) address associated with the local host or interface.


The default 1-byte selector for the local interface.


The concatenation of $mac:$sel .


Concatenation of $prefix:$mac:$sel , resulting in the default address for the local interface.

sunmacsel N

Concatenation of one of a series of reserved MAC addresses and $sel to create a block of reserved ATM ARP server addresses. N should be a decimal number in the range 0 - 199.


Concatenation of $prefix , a unique reserved MAC address, and $sel . When used as a server address, restricts server access to clients connected to the local switch only.

Note Note - The $prefix variable, and any other variables that use it (including $myaddress and $localswitch_server), can not be used on interfaces that are not running ILMI.

ATM addresses are represented by 20 colon-separated octets, with each octet made up of 1 or 2 hexadecimal digits. You can combine variables representing portions of an ATM address with other variables and/or octets to make up a complete address. For example, $prefix:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:$sel represents a valid ATM address.

ATM ARP Server Address

If you configured the Classical IP instance as a client, you must also enter the address of the ARP server. This parameter, like the local ATM address, must be a 20-byte ATM address.

Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC)

The Permanent Virtual Circuit parameter applies only to standalone configurations, including IPv4 and IPv6. This option is available when you add a Virtual Circuit from the standalone mode. It identifies the PVC that will be used to communicate between the two systems connected either back to back or to ports on switches. Both systems must use the same PVC value. The PVC parameter must be an integer (not hexadecimal) between 32 and 1023.

Static Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC)

The ATM destination address parameter configures a static SVC. This parameter applies only to IPv4 and IPv6 standalone configurations. It is available when you add a Virtual Circuit from the Standalone menu. For SVC operation over IPv6, all addresses must be statically configured. See ATM Address Formats and Variables for more information.

LAN Emulation Parameter Group

LAN Emulation, standardized by the ATM Forum's LAN Emulation 1.0 specification, is another way of providing TCP/IP and UDP/IP support over an ATM interface. Address resolution information is provided by a series of LAN Emulation services. When a LAN Emulation interface is brought up, it must register with these LAN Emulation services (known as "joining the LAN"). This registration process and the address resolution process are described in LAN Emulation .

Unlike Classical IP, the LAN Emulation protocol provides a broadcast service to the upper layer protocols. Therefore, the multicast and RIP limitations described in Classical IP Parameter Group , do not affect LAN Emulation interfaces.

The SunATM software allows a single ATM interface to join up to sixteen emulated local area networks (ELANs), provided that this action is allowed by the switch and LAN Emulation (LANE) services. Each ELAN joined is represented by a unique lane instance (for example, lane0 or lane1 ).

Note Note - A requirement for supporting this feature is that the adapter card be assigned multiple MAC addresses, which the SunATM/S 2.1 and SunATM/P 3.0 adapters support. This feature does not work with the older SunATM/S 2.0 adapters. Use the atmgetmac(1M) command with the count option to find the number of MAC addresses assigned to your SunATM adapter.

After you configure LAN Emulation parameters, you are asked to choose an existing (previously configured) LAN Emulation ( lane ) instance or to create a new one in the LAN Emulation Instance menu. The following is an example of this menu.

The following lane instances are configured on ba0:
        [C] Create new lane instance
        [D] Delete lane instance
        [P] Previous Menu
        [M] Main Menu
        [X] Exit
        [?] Help
Enter lane instance or option: lane0

Per-Instance LAN Emulation

The Per-Instance LAN Emulation Parameters menu allows you to configure the per-instance LAN Emulation parameters.

Modifying lane0; Current Configuration:
    IP = atm_lane
    ATM = $myaddress
    LECS Present
    LECS_Address = well-known address
    no additional IP hostnames
        [I] Hostname or IP Address
        [L] Local ATM Address
        [C] LECS Present
        [N] No LECS
        [A] LECS ATM Address
        [E] Emulated LAN Name
        [H] Additional Hostnames
        [P] Previous Menu
        [M] Main Menu
        [X] Exit
        [?] Help
Enter Selection:

Hostname or IP Address

If IP traffic runs over a LAN Emulation instance, assign a hostname and corresponding IP address to the instance. If you enter a hostname that appears in the /etc/init/hosts or /etc/init/ipnodes file, or if NIS, NIS+, or DNS is enabled and the hostname is resolvable over it, you are not prompted to enter an IP address. Instead, the resolution is performed automatically. If the hostname cannot be resolved, you are prompted to enter an IP address. If you must enter an IP address, or if the address is only available through NIS, NIS+, or DNS, the SunATM software updates both the /etc/init/hosts and /etc/init/ipnodes files.

A valid hostname is no more than 80 characters. A valid IP address is a set of four decimal numbers in the range of 0 to 255, separated by dots (for example, ). The preferred form of an IPv6 address is x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x, where x represents the hexidecimal value of the eight 16-bit pieces of the address, for example, 1080:0:0:0:8:800:200c:417A.

Local ATM Address

The local ATM address is the 20-byte ATM address associated with this LAN Emulation instance. See ATM Address Formats and Variables for more information about ATM address formats and variables.

Each lane instance must be assigned a unique ATM address. Each SunATM 2.1 or 3.0 adapter has been assigned 16 unique MAC addresses; if you use the variable $myaddress for each lane instance, the SunATM software will automatically distribute those MAC addresses to the lane instances associated with each physical interface.

LECS Indicator

Most LAN Emulation Services include a LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS), which is the first server contacted when bringing up a LAN Emulation client. The LECS provides the ATM address of the LAN Emulation Server (LES), as well as other configuration information about the emulated LAN. However, some LAN Emulation services do not include an LECS, and the LES must be contacted directly. With the LECS Indicator parameter, you specify which service should be contacted first in your configuration. The possible values for this parameter are displayed as individual options on the LAN Emulation Instance menu.

Note Note - If the value of this parameter is no_LECS, you must specify a value for the LES ATM Address parameter.

LECS ATM Address

By default, the SunATM software attempts to obtain the LECS address using ILMI, as specified in the LAN Emulation specification. If this is not successful, the "well-known" ATM address, also specified by the ATM Forum, is used.

If your LECS uses a different ATM address (not the well-known address), and does not make that address available via ILMI, specify it using this parameter. If applicable, any of the ATM address variables described in ATM Address Formats and Variables can be used. Use variable $prefix , in particular.

LES ATM Address

This parameter is required if the value of the LECS Indicator parameter is no_LECS . In that case, LECS is not present to provide a "well-known" address for the LES, so you must specify an ATM address. Any of the SunATM address variables described in ATM Address Formats and Variables ( $prefix in particular) can be used.

Emulated LAN Name

If multiple Emulated LANs (ELANs) are present, you can enter a character string in the Emulated LAN Name parameter. The LAN Emulation client uses this parameter to tell the LAN Emulation services which ELAN it wishes to join. By default, if a SunATM LAN Emulation client does not specify an ELAN name, it tells the services to assign it to the default (or only) ELAN.

Note Note - If you have multiple LAN Emulation instances configured on a physical interface, only one instance can join the default (unspecified) ELAN. You must specify an ELAN name for all other instances.

Additional Hostnames

The SunATM software supports logical interfaces in the SunATM LAN Emulation environment. Logical interfaces allow you to assign multiple IP addresses to a single LAN Emulation interface. A logical interface name consists of three parts: the device name (in the case of SunATM LAN Emulation, lane ); the major number, which corresponds to the lane instance number; and the minor number, which distinguishes the logical interfaces on a single lane instance. The format of a LAN Emulation logical interface name is lane N : X , where N is the major number and X is the minor number (for example, lane0:2 ).

The SunATM software associates each logical interface with a unique hostname and IP address. All logical interfaces on a given physical interface are associated with the same ATM and MAC addresses.

The hostname displayed in the LAN Emulation instance menu corresponds to the minor instance 0. The additional IP Address parameter indicates if any additional hostnames are assigned to the instance. Select this parameter to modify or create additional hostnames. You must enter or modify each additional IP hostname in the same manner as other IP hostname and address pairs (see ATM Address Formats and Variables for more details), and associate it with a minor number between 0 and 255.